Who I am
Since november 2008, I am associate professor at the Laboratoire Angevin de Recherche en Ingénierie des Systèmes
(LARIS). You can download my Ph.D. thesis
titled "Algorithmes numériques pour l'analyse topologique. Calcul par intervalle et
théorie des graphes", the slides. My "Thèse d'habilitation à diriger des recherches" titled Méthodes numériques garanties pour la classification de fonctions et le contrôle optimal can be here. The slides are also available.
My main subject of interest is the creation
of numerical algorithms capable of computing the properties of
sets or maps. Therefore, my subjects of interest are : Interval
analysis, computation, topology, path-connected set,
path-planning, stable mappings, optimal control ...
"The reading of all good books is like conversation with the
finest men of past centuries." Descartes, 17th century.
I am what I read and what I watch.
- Nicolas Delanoue, Luc Jaulin, and Bertrand Cottenceau. Using
interval arithmetic to prove that a set is
path-connected. Theoretical Computer Science, 351(1) :119-128,
2006. Real Numbers and
Computers. download the
preprint (pdf)
- Nicolas Delanoue, Luc Jaulin, and Bertrand
Cottenceau. Guaranteeing the homotopy type of a set defined by
non-linear inequalities. Reliable Computing, 13(5) :381-398,
download the preprint (pdf)
- Sébastien Lagrange, Nicolas Delanoue, and Luc Jaulin. On sufficient conditions of the
injectivity : Development of a numerical test algorithm via interval analysis. Reliable
Computing, 13(5) :409-421, 2007. download the preprint (pdf)
- Sébastien Lagrange, Nicolas Delanoue, and Luc Jaulin. Injectivity analysis using
interval analysis : Application to structural identifiability. Automatica, 44(11) :2959-
2962, 2008 download the preprint (pdf)
- Nicolas Delanoue, Luc Jaulin, Laurent Hardouin and Mehdi Lhommeau.
Guaranteed Characterization of Capture Basins of Nonlinear State-Space Systems, 24: 265-272.
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009.
download the preprint (pdf)
- Nicolas Delanoue, Luc Jaulin, and Bertrand Cottenceau. An algorithm for computing
a neighborhood included in the attraction domain of an asymptotically stable point.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 21(1) :181-189,
download the preprint (pdf)
- Nicolas Delanoue and Sébastien Lagrange. A numerical approach to compute the
topology of the apparent contour of a smooth mapping from R^2 to R^2. Journal of
Computational and Applied Mathematics, 271(Supplement C) :267-284, 2014.
download the preprint (pdf)
- Nicolas Delanoue, Mehdi Lhommeau, and Philippe Lucidarme. Numerical enclosures
of the optimal cost of the kantorovitch's mass transportation problem. Computational
Optimization and Applications, 63(3) :855-873, 2016.
download the preprint (pdf)
- Romain Benoit, Nicolas Delanoue, Sébastien Lagrange, and Philippe
Wenger. Guaranteed detection of the singularities of 3R robotic
manipulators. Mechanical Sciences, 7(1) :31-38, 2016. download the preprint (pdf)
- Romain Benoit, Nicolas Delanoue, Sébastien Lagrange and Philippe
Wenger, Combinatorial description of 2-dimensional kinematic functions
: application to 3R robotic manipulators Submitted to Robotica,
- Mohamed Mustafa, Alexandru Stancu, Nicolas Delanoue, and Eduard
Codres. Guaranteed SLAM - An interval approach. Robotics and
Autonomous Systems, 100 :160-170, 2018.
- Jean-Baptiste Fasquel and Nicolas Delanoue. An approach for
sequential image interpretation using a priori binary perceptual
topological and photometric knowledge and k-means based
segmentation. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 35(6)
:936-945, 2018.
- Jean-Baptiste Fasquel and Nicolas Delanoue. A graph based image
interpretation method using a priori qualitative inclusion and
photometric relationships. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence,41(5) :1043-1055, 2019.
- Nicolas Delanoue, Mehdi Lhommeau, and Sébastien Lagrange. Nonlinear optimal
control : A numerical scheme based on occupation measures and interval analysis.
Computational Optimization and Applications, Springer Verlag,
volume 77, pages 307-334, 2020, 10.1007/s10589-020-00198-8
- Christine Chevallereau, Philippe Wenger, Yannick Aoustin, Franck
Mercier, Nicolas Delanoue, Philippe Lucidarme. Leg design for biped
locomotion with mono-articular and bi-articular linear actuation.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Volume 156, pages 104-138, 2021, 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2020.104-138
- Morgan Langard, Philippe Lucidarme, Nicolas Delanoue, Rémy
Guyonneau, Franck Mercier, Christine Chevallereau, Philippe Wenger,
Yannick Aoustin. Design and Optimization of a Planar Biped Leg
Based on Direct Drive Linear Actuators.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Special Issue Applied
Mathematics for Engineering Problems in Biomechanics and Robotics
2022 , vol. 2022, Article ID 6455182, 15 pages,
2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/6455182
- Proving that a set is connected via interval analysis.
Minisymposium, Interval
methods, Para 04
- Denmark - June 23, 2004.
download the slides
- A new method for integrating ODE based on
monotonicity (2010)
SCAN 2010 14th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics ENS de Lyon, France, September 27-30, 2010
download the slides (pdf)
- Attraction domain of a nonlinear system using interval analysis and Lyapunov Theory
School and Conference on Computational Methods in Dynamics - Trieste - Italy - 20 June 2011 - 8 July 2011
download the slides (pdf)
- Classification of mappings from R^2 to R^2
Intervals Pavings and Applications - Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden - 15-17 October 2012
download the slides (pdf)
- Classification of stable maps from a simply connected subset of R2 to R2
SWIM 2013 6th Small Workshop on Interval Methods ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France Watch the video
download the slides (pdf)
- Interval analysis and Optimal Transport
SWIM 2014, 7th Small Workshop on Interval Methods, Uppsala, Sweden
download the slides (pdf)
- Optimal Control Via Occupation Measures and Interval Analysis
SIAM CT 15, 2015 SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT15)
download the slides (pdf)
- Preliminary survey of backdrivable linear actuators for humanoid robots
Romansy 2018, 22nd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control
June 25-28, 2018
Rennes, France
download the slides
(pdf), download
the conference paper (pdf)
- Version tropicale du théorème de Putinar. Applications à
l’optimisation globale,
Roadef 2022, Recherche opérationnelle et aide à la décision en France, 24-26 février 2022, Lyon, France
download the slides (pdf) download
the resume (pdf)
- Identification sur un système quantique bruité : Théorie et
démonstration expérimentale sur un processeur quantique, avec François Chapeau-Blondeau.
Journées Démonstrateur 2022,
6èmes journées des Démonstrateurs en Automatique 21-22 juin 2022 à
Angers (France)
download the
poster, download the
article, download
- Optimisation de la transmission d'information sur un canal quantique
via le calcul par intervalles, avec François Chapeau-Blondeau.
Gretsi'22, XXVIIIème
Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, Nancy, 06
- 09 Septembre 2022
download the
poster, download the
- Optimisation globale de l'information mutuelle sur un canal
Roadef 2023, Recherche opérationnelle et aide à la décision en France, 20-23 février 20223, Rennes, France
download the slides (pdf) download
the resume (pdf), cost function
Conference Paper
- Counting the Number of Connected Components of a Set and Its Application to Robotics.
N. Delanoue, L. Jaulin and B. Cottenceau. (2006)
In Applied Parallel Computing, J. Dongarra, K. Madsen, J. Wasniewski (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 3732 / 2006. pp. 93 ISBN: 3-540-29067-2.
download the pdf file
- Guaranteed numerical injectivity test via interval analysis.
Sébastien Lagrange, Nicolas Delanoue, Luc Jaulin (2006)
Trends in Constraint Programming, publisher ISTE, London, UK, may 2007. Chap 12, pages 237-248. Isbn = 9781905209972
download the pdf file
- Robust Optimal Control of Linear-Type Dynamic Systems with Random Delays,
Vadim Azhmyakov, Erik I. Verriest, Luz A. Guzman Trujillo, Sebastien Lahaye, Nicolas Delanoue, (2018)
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 51, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 18-23, ISSN 2405-8963,
- Prouver qu'un ensemble est connexe en utilisant le calcul par
E.N.S. Cachan auprès du Groupe de Travail
Thursday, February 05, 2004
- Introduction au calcul par intervalles, exemple d'utilisation pour
le $\pi_0$ d'un ensemble.
Rencontres doctorales Mathématiques 2004
Wednesday, May 05, 2004, download the pdf file
- Garantir le type d'homotopie d'un ensemble défini par des inégalités.
Département et laboratoire de mathématiques de l'université d'Angers
Friday, November 05, 2004, download the pdf file
- Introduction à la topologie algébrique. Garantir le type d'homotopie d'un ensemble via le calcul par intervalles.
Groupe de travail sur les Méthodes Ensemblistes (Modélisation, Analyse et Conduite des Systèmes dynamiques)
Thursday, February 03, 2005, download the pdf file
- Stabilility analysis of a nonlinear system using interval analysis.
Groupe de travail sur les Méthodes Ensemblistes (Modélisation, Analyse et Conduite des Systèmes dynamiques)
Thursday, March 16, 2006, download the pdf file
- Set convexity analysis with Interval Analysis.
Groupe de travail sur les Méthodes Ensemblistes (Modélisation, Analyse et Conduite des Systèmes dynamiques)
Thursday, March 13, 2008, download the pdf file
- Attraction domain and nonlinear dynamical system using interval analysis.
SWIM08 - A small workshop on Interval Methods - Montpellier
Thursday, June 19, 2008 , download the pdf file
- Computational Homology
Séminaire du LISA - Angers
Tuesday, February 03, 2009, download the pdf file
- A new method for integrating ODE based on monotonicity
SWIM 09, A small workshop on Interval Methods, EPFL Lausane
Thursday, June 11, 2009, download the pdf file
- Sur le calcul de la topologie d'objets en utilisant seulement de l'arithmétique d'intervalles.
RAIM'09: 3es Rencontres Arithmétique de l'Informatique Mathématique, LIP, ENS Lyon
Tuesday, October 27, 2009, download the pdf file
- Guaranteeing the homotopy type of a set dened by non-linear inequalities.
Topological Methods For The Study Of Discrete Structures Université de la Méditerranée. International Center for Mathematical Meetings: C.I.R.M. Marseille, France
Monday, March 01, 2010 , download the pdf file
- A new method for integrating ODE based on monotonicity
SCAN 2010 14th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics ENS de Lyon, France, September 27-30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010, download the pdf file
- A guaranteed numerical method to classify smooth mappings from R^2 to R^2 .
SMART 2014, 1st Small Symposium on Set-Membership: Applications, Reliability and Theory, The University of Manchester, Aerospace Research Institute, Manchester, UK
Wednesday, May 21, 2014, download the pdf file
- Introduction au transport optimal.
Séminaire MathSTIC 2019, Transport Optimal 12h30, UFR Sciences, bâtiment L, Université d'Angers
Le 8 mars 2019, download the pdf file
- From shortest path algorithms to Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation.
Séminaire EAFIT Mathematical Engineering, Medellin 2019
Le 15 novembre 2019, download the pdf file
- Version tropicale du théorème de Putinar. Dualité et applications.
Brainstorming days on measure and polynomial optimization. LAAS Toulouse - Equipe MAC.
Le 21 mars 2022, slides and resume
- Calcul de la topologie de variétés algébriques de petite
dimension - Séminaire de la SFR MathStic - Nicolas Delanoue, Marc Pouget et Daouda Diatta.
Le 22 septembre 2022, Details
Master Students and PhD Student
2014-2018, Thèse de doctorat : Romain Benoit.
- Analyse qualitative de robots.
- Doctorat, Université d'Angers.
- Work in partnership with Sébastien Lagrange et Philippe Wenger.
2018-2019, Nicolas Testard.
- Torques determination of a human model from HuMoD Database.
- Master 1 - ENS Mécatronique Rennes
- 2018-2021, Thèse de doctorat : Luz Adriana Guzman :
- The convexity based approach to optimal control of some classes of non-standard dynamic systems.
- Doctorat, Université d'Angers.
- Work in partnership with Vadim Azhmyakov and Sébastien Lahaye.
- 2019-2022, Morgan Langard :
- Bioinspired humanoid robot - Design and experimentation.
- Doctorat, Université d'Angers.
- Work in partnership with Philippe Lucidarme and Rémy Guyonneau.
- 2019-2020, Carla Juvin :
- Modélisation dynamique et optimisation de flux logistiques
appliquées à une installation robotisée par Balyo. (Mémoire)
- Master 2 in Applied Mathematics ("Mathématiques
et Applications, spécialité Systèmes Dynamiques et Signaux"),
Université d'Angers.
- Work in partnership with Balyo.
- 2019-2020, Quentin Canovas :
- Génération automatique des équations du modèle dynamique
d'un robot polyarticulaire (Mémoire).
- Master 2 in Applied Mathematics ("Mathématiques
et Applications, spécialité Systèmes Dynamiques et Signaux"),
Université d'Angers.
- 2020-2021, Hugo Remin :
- Optimisation de trajectoires pour la
tomographie robotisée à rayons X (CEA Tech Nantes).
- Master 2 in Applied Mathematics ("Mathématiques et Applications,
spécialité Systèmes Dynamiques et Signaux"), Université d'Angers.
- Work in partnership with CEA Tech Nantes.
2020-2021, Pierre Engelstein :
- Informatique Quantique.
- Master 2 in Applied Mathematics ("Mathématiques et Applications,
spécialité Systèmes Dynamiques et Signaux"), Université d'Angers.
- 2022-today, Thèse de doctorat : Hugo Remin :
- Optimisation de trajectoires pour la
tomographie robotisée à rayons X (CEA Tech Nantes).
- Doctorat, Université d'Angers.
- Work in partnership with Sébastien Lagrange and Laurent Dollé (CEA Tech Nantes).
- 2022-today, Thèse de doctorat : Arthur Ignazi :
- Résolution garantie de problèmes homogènes. Applications en robotique et en théorie du contrôle.
- Doctorat, Université d'Angers.
- Work in partnership with Sébastien Lagrange and Rémy Guyonneau.
Demo and solvers
The "Vinter solver" can be used to rigorously compute lower bounds to an optimal control problem.
Download vinter.zip.
The "Monge solver" can be used to rigorously enclose to the optimal cost of the Kantorovitch's mass transportation problem .
Download monge.zip.
The "Thom solver" creates a graph which is topologically equivalent to the Apparent Contour of a given smooth map from R^2 to R^2.
Download Thom.zip.
This a very short introduction to wxWidgets. One can find
how to combine wxwidgets with thread, opengl ... Go to
the webpage (The web-page is in French)
demos that I have developed to introduce people to algebraic
Go to the
The HIA solver creates an abstract simplicial complex which is homotopy equivalent to a given set defined by inequalities.
Size : 964 KB, Download HIA.exe.
Rope.exe is a light software used that how HIA algorithm can be
useful. Size: 534 KB Download Rope.exe
The CIA solver can PROVE that a set defined by inequalities is
connected. It can also used to count the number of connected
Size: 900 KB
Download CIA.exe
Robot2D is a very light software used to show how topology can help to
solve a robotic problem.
Size: 534 KB, Download Robot2D.exe
SIVIA is a tutorial software used to introduce interval
analysis. This introduction is based on a Set Inversion.
696 KB Download SIVIA.exe
Upcoming and Recent Trips
SMART 2014
1st Small Symposium on Set-Membership: Applications, Reliability and Theory
May 21 and 22, 2014. /* The University of Manchester, Aerospace Research Institute, Manchester, UK */
RAIM 2013
Rencontres Arithmétiques de l'Informatique Mathématique
18 au 20 novembre 2013 à l'Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP).
SCAN 2010
14th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics
ENS Lyon, France, September 27-30, 2010
Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel (JNCF) 2007
CIRM, Luminy
29 janvier - 2 février 2007
TRIMESTER ON REAL GEOMETRY September 12th - December 16th, 2005,
Centre Emile Borel, institut Henri Poincaré.
Scientific Programme
International Conference on Polynomial System Solving
24-25-26 2004 in honor of Daniel Lazard
Conférences grand public
Teaching (For students)