C Language
Gitlab repository https://gitlab.u-angers.fr/cours/langagec_student
C Language
Here are some resources for the C Language programming course
This directory contains code snippets that can be usefull.
An include file with all the snippets that can be used in one project.
- Makefile : to compile the main test
- custom_include.h : all the custom functions
- main.c : a main file to test the custom functions
Those snippets are meant to work over Windows and GNU/Linux systems:
- Makefile : to compile the differents code snippets
- clear_screen.c : to clear the command line screen
- colors.c : to change the displayed colors in a print
- fflush_stdin.c : to empty the stdin (keyboard) buffer
- getch.c : to extend kbhit and getch of conio.h (windows) to GNU/Linux systems
- sleep.c : to wait for a defined amount of time
- CoursC_2122.pdf : The pdf document of the course (in French)
Some presentation slides over different notions (in French)
The pdf with all the exercices (TD.pdf).
Some ressources for the practicle works.