Christelle Guéret (Jussien)
Principaux thèmes de recherche
Scheduling problems
Open-Shop problems
A. Malapert, H. Cambazard, C. Guéret, N. Jussien, L.M. Martin-Rousseau, and A. Langevin, 2012. An optimal constraint programming approach to the open shop problem . INFORMS Journal on Computing, vol. 24(2), p. 228-244
C. Guéret, N. Jussien, and C. Prins, 2000. Using intelligent backtracking to improve branch-and-bound methods . European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 127(2), p. 344-354
C. Guéret and C. Prins, 1999. A new lower bound for the open-shop problem . Annals of Operations research, vol. 92(0), p. 165-183
C. Guéret and C. Prins, 1998. Classical and new heuristics for the open-shop problem . European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 107(2), p. 306-314
Hard instances by Guéret and Prins (zip file)
Batch processing problems
Dynamic scheduling problems
A. Elkhyari, C. Guéret, and N. Jussien, 2005. Ordonnancement dynamique de projet à contraintes de ressources. In "Flexibilité et robustesse en ordonnancement", J.C. Billaut, A. Moukrim and \'E. Sanlaville (eds), Hermès, ISBN : 2-7462-1028-2.
A. Elkhyari, C. Guéret, and N. Jussien, 2003. Solving dynamic resource constraint project scheduling problems using new constraint-programming tools . In "Practice and theory of automated timetabling IV", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol 2740, p.39-59.
Vehicle Routing Problems
VRP-REP : the vehicle routing problem repository
Electric Vehicle Routing Problems
J.A. Montoya, C. Guéret, J.E. Mendoza and J.G. Villegas, 2017. The electric vehicle routing problem with nonlinear charging function . Transportation Research Part B, in press
J.A. Montoya, C. Guéret, J.E. Mendoza and J.G. Villegas, 2016. A multi-space sampling heuristic for the green vehicle routing problem . Transportation Research Part C, vol. 70, p. 113-128
J.A. Montoya, C. Guéret, J.E. Mendoza, J.G. Villegas, 2015. The electric vehicle routing problem with non-linear charging functions . ODYSSEUS 2015. Ajaccio, France.
Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems
V. Pillac, C. Guéret, and A. Medaglia, 2017. A fast Reoptimization approach for the dynamic technician routing and scheduling problem. In "Recent developments of metaheuristics", E-G. Talbi (Ed.), Springer, to appear.
V. Pillac, M. Gendreau, C. Guéret, and A. Medaglia, 2013. A review of dynamic vehicle routing problems . European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 225(1), p. 1-11
V. Pillac, C. Guéret, and A. Medaglia, 2012. An event-driven optimization framework for dynamic vehicle routing . Decision Support Systems, Vol. 54(1), p. 414-423
Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problems
J. Mendoza, B. Castanier, C. Guéret, A. Medaglia, and N. Velasco, 2011. Constructive heuristics for the multicompartment vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands . INFORMS Transportation Science, vol. 45(3), p. 346-363.
J. Mendoza, B. Castanier, C. Guéret, A. Medaglia, and N. Velasco, 2010. A memetic algorithm for the multi-compartment vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands . Computers and Operations Research, vol. 37(11), p. 1886-1898
Technician Routing and Scheduling Problems
V. Pillac, C. Guéret, and A. Medaglia, 2017. A fast Reoptimization approach for the dynamic technician routing and scheduling problem. In "Recent developments of metaheuristics", E-G. Talbi (Ed.), Springer, to appear.
V. Pillac, C. Guéret, and A. Medaglia, 2013. A parallel matheuristic for the technician routing and scheduling problem . Optimization Letters, vol. 7(7), p. 1525-1535
Last modified 13/02/2025 by Christelle Guéret (Jussien)