Publications in structural analysis applied to fault detection

The first papers and the first PhD in structural analysis applied to fault detection are given below. So, in fault detection, I am the first author under the direction of Prof. Marcel Staroswiecki who proposes an application of the structural approach to fault detection and makes the connection with results developed by different mathematicians in graph theory.

- Ph. Declerck et M.Staroswiecki

Generation of analytical redundancy relations for fault detection, International conference Sicici' 92, IEEE, Singapore, February 18-21, 1992. Paper

- Ph. Declerck. 

Analyse structurale et fonctionnelle des grands systèmes. Application à une centrale PWR 900 MW. PhD. December 20, 1991 University of Lille I.

- Ph. Declerck et M.Staroswiecki

Identification of structurally solvable sub-systems for the design of Fault Detection and Isolation Schemes, using the Embedding Procedure, 9th IFAC/IFORS Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, pages 230-235, Vol.1, Budapest, Hungary, July 8-12, 1991. Paper

- Ph. Declerck et M.Staroswiecki

Characterization of the Canonical Components of a Structural Graph for Fault Detection in Large Scale Industrial Plants, First European Control Conference, ECC'91, pages 298-303, Vol.1, Grenoble, France, July 2-5, 1991. Paper

- M.Staroswiecki et Ph.Declerck

Analytical redundancy in non linear interconnected systems by means of structural analysis, IFAC Symposium on Advanced Information Processing in Automatic Control, Nancy, July 3-5, 1989. Paper