Some publications

in: Cycle Time, Estimation and fault detection, Model and consistency and Control

Ph. Declerck, Optimization of the time durations by exploiting time margins in Time Interval Models. IEEE-TCST (Transactions on Control Systems Technology), May 2021 Document

Ph. Declerck, Critical subsystems in time interval models: Application to a baking process. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 10.1007/s10626-020-00322-0, May 2020 Document

Ph. Declerck, Extremum Cycle Times in Time Interval Models. IEEE-TAC (IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control), Vol.63, Issue 6 (June), acceptée 2017, publiée en 2018. Document

Ph. Declerck, Cycle Time of a P-time Event Graph with Affine-Interdependent Residence Durations. Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2013. Document

A. Guezzi, Temps de cycle des Graphes d'Événements Temporisés et P-temporels, GDR, Paris, 22 January 2009. Talk

Ph. Declerck, A. Guezzi, Cécile Gros, Temps de cycle des Graphes d'Événements Temporisés et P-temporels., CIFA 08, 2008. Document ,

Ph. Declerck, A. Guezzi, J.-L. Boimond, Cycle Time of P-time Event Graphs, 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2007), Special Session: From Planning to Control of Manufacturing Systems, Angers, France, 09-12 may 2007. Document , Talk

Philippe Declerck,, Offline analysis of the relaxed upper boundedness for online estimation of optimal event sequencess, Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic System, 2024, Document.

Philippe Declerck et Patrice Bonhomme, Two-staged Approach for Estimation of sequences in Partially Observable P-time Petri Nets on a sliding horizon with schedulability analysis, International Journal of Control, 2022, Document.

Amira chouchane et Philippe Declerck, Diagnosis on a sliding horizon for partially observable Petri nets, Kybernetika, International journal of Institute of Information Theory and Automation of The Czech Academy of Science, Vol. 58, Number 4 , Pages 479-497, 2022, Document.

Ph. Declerck, Counter approach for the estimation of optimal sequences in Partially Observable Untimed Petri Nets. Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2021. Document

Amira chouchane et Philippe Declerck, Diagnostic de réseaux de Petri partiellement observables avec indicateurs algébriques, Génie industriel et productique, Numéro 1 Volume 2, 25 juillet 2019, Document.

Philippe Declerck, Exposé "Sequence Estimation and Schedulability Analysis for Partially Observable Petri Nets (Part I)", Journées de l'automatique du GDR MACS, Nantes, 15 novembre 2018, Document,

Amira chouchane, Philippe Declerck, Atef khedher and Anas kamoun, Diagnostic Based on Estimation Using Linear Programming for Partially Observable Petri Nets with Indistinguishable Events, International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, December 2018, Document.

Amira chouchene, Philippe Declerck, Atef khedher and Anas kamoun, Diagnosis Using an Estimation Method for Partially Observed Petri Net, 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9-14 July 2017 Document.

Philippe Declerck, Amira Chouchane and Patrice Bonhomme, A strategy for Estimation in Timed Petri nets, CoDIT'17, Barcelona, Spain, April 5-7, 2017 Document, Talk

Amira Chouchene, Philippe Declerck, Othman Nasri, Atef Khedher and Anas Kamoun, Linear Algebraic Formalism for State Estimation of Labeled Petri Net, The 17� international Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering� STA'2016, December 19-21, 2016, Sousse, Tunisia

Philippe Declerck and Patrice Bonhomme, State Estimation of Timed Labeled Petri Nets with Unobservable Transitions, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE-TASE), Special Issue on Discrete Event Systems for Automation, 2013, 10.1109/TASE.2013.2290314 Document

Philippe Declerck and Abdelhak Guezzi, State Estimation and Detection of Changes in Time Interval Models, Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s10626-012-0149-8, , Vol. 24 Issue 1, pp. 53-68, March 2014. Document

Ph. Declerck, Detection of changes by Observer in Timed Event Graphs and Time Stream Event Graphs , IFAC DCDS'07, Cachan 2007. Document , Talk

Ph. Declerck  and K. Didi Alaoui, 2005c, State Estimation in Time Event Graphs. Application to fault detection, 17th IMACS World Congress, Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Paris, France, July 11 - 15, 2005. Document

 Ouerghi, Ph. Declerck and J.L. Ferrier, 2004,  Estimation des durées algébriques entre les événements d\'un graphe IPERT , Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique. Douz Tunisie, 22- 24 novembre 2004.

Ph. Declerck and K. Didi Alaoui, 2003b, Constraint propagation for max-plus-linear discrete event systems: application to the state estimation, Symposium: Discrete Events in Industrial and Manufacturing Systems, The IMACS/IEEE Multiconference CESA' 2003, Lille, France, July 9-11, 2003. Document

Ph. Declerck, K. Didi Alaoui et Marc Bourcerie, 2002, Estimation d'état par l'étoile de Kleene, CIFA – 2002, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique Nantes, du 8 au 10 juillet 2002. Document

Ph. Declerck , From extremal trajectories to consistency in P-time Event Graphs, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Document, February 2011.

Ph. Declerck , From extremal trajectories to consistency in P-time Event Graphs,Technical report, Document, November 16, 2009.

A. Guezzi and Ph. Declerck , From Linear Programming to Graph Theory: Standardization of the Algebraic Model of Timed Event Graphs, CIE39, International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, France, July 6-8 2009. Document, Talk

Ph. Declerck  and K. Didi Alaoui, 2006, Liveness and acceptable trajectories in P-time Event Graphs, Wodes 2006, Ann Arbor Michigan, USA, 10-12 juillet 2006. Document, talk

K. Didi Alaoui and Ph. Declerck, 2004a, From (min, max, +) algebra to P-time event graphs , ICINCO 2004 International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics Setubal Portugal, 25-28 august 2004. Document


Ph. Declerck  and K. Didi Alaoui, 2004, Modelling and liveness analysis of P-time event graphs in the (min, max, +) algebra, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, The Hague, The Netherlands, 10- 13 october 2004. Document


  •   Control

Philippe Declerck, Compromise Approach for Predictive Control of Timed Event Graphs with Specifications Defined by P-time Event Graphs, Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2016. Document

Philippe Declerck, Causality Phenomenon and Compromise Technique for Predictive Control of Timed Event Graphs with Specifications Defined by P-Time Event Graphs, WODES'14 (12th IFAC International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems) , 14-16 mai 2014. Document talk

Philippe Declerck and Abdelhak Guezzi, Predictive Control of Timed Event Graphs with Specifications Defined by P-time Event Graphs, Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp 261�273, , September 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s10626-012-0150-2 . Document

Philippe Declerck and Mohamed Khalid Didi Alaoui, Optimal control synthesis of timed event graphs with interval model specifications, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, February, 2010. Document

Ph. Declerck, Trajectory Tracking Control of a Timed Event Graph with Specifications Defined by a P-time Event Graph: On-line control and Off-line preparation., Wodes 2010, Berlin, Germany, August 30-September 1, 2010. Document Talk

Ph. Declerck and A. Guezzi, Trajectory Tracking Control of a Timed Event Graph with Specifications Defined by a P-time Event Graph, POSTA 09 Positive Systems: Theory and Applications, Valencia, Spain, 02-04 september, 2009. Document Talk

A. Guezzi, Ph. Declerck , J.-L. Boimond, Commande de graphes d'�v�nements temporis�s par les syst�mes monotones, JD MACS09 : 3�mes Journ�es Doctorales du GdR MACS, Angers, France, 17-18 mars 2009. Document

A. Guezzi, Ph. Declerck , J.-L. Boimond, From monotone inequalities to Model Predictive Control, ETFA 2008, Hamburg, Germany 15-18 September 2008. Document and Errata.

Ph. Declerck  and K. Didi Alaoui, 2005a, Extremal trajectories in P-time Event Graphs. Application to control synthesis with specifications. CDC-ECC'05 , 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, ECC 2005, Seville Spain, December 12-15, 2005. Document

Ph. Declerck  and K. Didi Alaoui, 2005b, Optimal Control Synthesis in Interval Descriptor Systems. Application to Time Stream Event Graphs, 16th IFAC World Congress, July 4-8, Prague, 2005. Document


K. Didi Alaoui and Ph. Declerck, 2003a, Control synthesis in interval systems, Automated Manufacturing Systems and Development Methodology, The 9th IEEE International Conference on Emerging, ETFA’2003, Volume I pages 634-639, Lisbon, Portugal, September 16-19. Document

Ph. Declerck et K. Didi Alaoui, 2003c, Synthèse de commande des systèmes dynamiques à événements discrets, à 4ième Colloque Francophone sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR), pages 179-194, 6 au 8 octobre 2003.

 Ph. Declerck and K. Didi Alaoui, 2003a, From constraint propagation to control synthesis and state estimation, International Workshop on Max-algebra (IWMA),The University of Birmingham, School of Mathematics and Statistics, 30 June - 3 July 2003.

Philippe Declerck et Mohamed Khalid Didi Alaoui, 2001, Estimation, prediction and control in (max,+) systems, 1rst IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control, workshop on max-plus algebras, Pages 139-144, Praha, 27-29 August 2001. Document

 Ph. Declerck, Predictability and control synthesis in Timed Event Graphs, Kybernetika, Acad�mie des Sciences de la R�publique Tch�que, vol. 35, n�1, pages 25-38, 1999. Document