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Hardouin Laurent

Sur la Commande linéaire de Systèmes à Evenements Discrets dans
l'algèbre (max,+) Download

PDF of my talk (needs a flash player): Download

PDF of my Lecture in UFMG (Belo Horizonte): Download

You can see animation :
1. A elementary Timed Events Graph
2. An uncertain Timed Events Graph
3. Comparison between uncertain and determinist Timed Events graphs
4. Observer for state estimation of Timed Events Graph
5. robust control of an uncertain Timed Events Graph
6. Animation for control of TEG in order to keep state in a semi-module (Javascript) Here
7. Animation for Discrete Event System with Partiel Synchronization (Javascript) Here
8. Animation for (max,plus) linear System with Set-Based Constraints (Javascript) Here
9. Example of Observer based controller Here

Articles et Communication ordre chronologique inverse


G. Winck, L. Hardouin and M. Lhommeau

"On the Set-Estimation of Uncertain Max-Plus Linear Systems",
Automatica, 2024, Draft, DOI:j.automatica.2024.111899


G. Schafaschek, L. Hardouin and J. Raisch

"A tropical-algebraic method for the control of timed event graphs with partial synchronization"
Journal on Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2024, Draft doi :10.1007/s10626-024-00400-7


L. Hardouin,

"On Counter Functions and Operators for Modeling Discrete-Event Dynamic Systems" ,
Plenary Talk in IFAC WODES, Rio de Janeiro, May 2024 Plenaries IFAC WODES The Slides


G. Winck, L. Hardouin and M. Lhommeau

"Comparing Disjunctive and Concise Approaches for Set-Guaranteed Estimation in Max-Plus Linear Systems" ,
IFAC WODES, Rio de Janeiro, May 2024, Draft


L. Hardouin, G. Espindola-Winck, and M. Lhommeau

"Set-membership State Estimation of Max-plus Linear Systems by Using Tropical Polyhedral" ,
IEEE Control Systems Socitey, Discrete Event Systems Virtual Talk Series, June 2023 Virtual IEEE The Slides


J. Trunk, B. Cottenceau, L. Hardouin and J. Raisch

"Event-Variant and Time-Variant (max,+) Systems," ,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024, Vol.69:2, pp. 1045-1051, doi: 10.1109/TAC.2023.3275955. Draft


G. Espindola-Winck, R. Santos-Mendes, M. Lhommeau, and L. Hardouin

"Stochastic filtering scheme of implicit forms of Uncertain Max-plus linear systems",
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE TAC, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2022.3176841. Draft


Adetola Oke, Laurent Hardouin, Xin Chen and Ying Shang

"Scheduling and Control of High Throughput Screening Systems With Uncertainties and Disturbances",
Journal on Production and Manufacturing Research, 2022 DOI: 10.1080/21693277.2022.2091679.


Guilherme Espindola-Winck, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau, Rafael Santos-Mendes

"Criteria stochastic filtering of max-plus discrete event systems with bounded random variables",
COSY 2022, Bologna, November 2022 Draft


Guilherme Espindola-Winck, Renato Markele Ferreira Candido, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau

"Efficient state-estimation of Uncertain Max-Plus linear systems with high observation noise",
WODES 2022, Prague, September 2022 Doi :j.ifacol.2022.10.347 Draft


Germano Schafaschek, Laurent Hardouin, Joerg Raisch

"A Novel Approach for the Modeling and Control of Timed Event Graphs with Partial Synchronization",
WODES 2022, Prague, September 2022 Doi :j.ifacol.2022.10.344 Draft


Davide Zorzenon, Germano Schafaschek, Dominik Tirpák, Soraia Moradi, Laurent Hardouin, Jörg Raisch

"Implementation of procedures for optimal control of timed event graphs with resource sharing",
WODES 2022, Prague, September 2022 Paper Draft and InternalReport


Philipp Goltz, Germano Schafaschek, Laurent Hardouin, Joerg Raisch

"Optimal output feedback control of Timed Event Graphs including disturbances in a resource sharing environment",
WODES 2022, Prague, September 2022 Draft


Guilherme Winck, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau

"Max-plus polyhedra-based state characterisation for uMPL systems",
European Conference on Control, ECC 2022, London, July 2022 Draft


Germano Schafaschek, Soraia Moradi, Laurent Hardouin, Joerg Raisch

"Optimal Control of Timed Event Graphs with Resource Sharing and Output-Reference Update",
IFAC Paper On-line, 2021 Doi :j.ifacol.2021.04.057 Draft


Renato Markele Ferreira Cândido, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau and Rafael Santos Mendes

"An Algorithm to Compute the Inverse Image of a Point with Respect to a Nondeterministic Max Plus Linear System",
in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 1618-1629, April 2021. Draft


Germano Schafaschek, Laurent Hardouin and Joerg Raisch

"Optimal control of timed event graphs with resource sharing and output-reference update",
Automatisierungstechnik 2020; 68(7): 512–528


Johannes Trunk, Bertrand Cottenceau,Laurent Hardouin, Joerg Raisch

"Model Decomposition of Timed Event Graphs under periodic Partial Synchronization: Application to Output Reference Control.",
Journal of Discrete Event Dynamics Systems, Editor Springer, 2020 Draft,


Johannes Trunk, Bertrand Cottenceau,Laurent Hardouin, Joerg Raisch

"Modelling and Control of Periodic Time-Variant Event Graphs in Dioids",
Journal on Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Editor Springer, 2020 Draft,


Gabriel Freitas Oliveira, Renato Markele Ferreira Candido, Vinicius Mariano Gonçcalves, Carlos Andrey Maia, Bertrand Cottenceau, Laurent Hardouin

"Discrete Event System Control in Max-Plus Algebra : Application to Manufacturing Systems",
Workshop On Discrete Event Systems, Rio De Janeiro, November 2020 Draft Slides Video of the talk


Johannes Trunk, Germano Schafaschek, Bertrand Cottenceau,Laurent Hardouin, Joerg Raisch

"Observer for Weighted Timed Event Graphs",
Workshop On Discrete Event Systems, Rio De Janeiro, November 2020 j.ifacol.2021.04.046 Draft


Laurent Hardouin, Bertrand Cottenceau, Ying Shang, Joerg Raisch

"Control and State Estimation for max-plus Linear Systems" ,
Journal on Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control, Editor Now, 2019, Vol. 6: No. 1, pp 1-116., Draft


Vinicius Mariano Gonçalves, Carlos Andrey Maia, Laurent Hardouin

"On max-plus linear dynamical system theory: the observation problem " ,
Automatica, september 2019, vol. 107, pp 103-111 j.automatica.2016.09.019


Rafael Santos-Mendes, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau

"Stochastic Filtering of Max-plus Linear Systems with Bounded Disturbances" ,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 64 n 9, september 2019, pages 3706-3715 ,


Renato Markele Ferreira Candido, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau, Rafael Santos Mendes

"Conditional Reachability Of UncertainMaxPlus Linear Systems" ,
Automatica, 2018, pages 426-435, volume 94 ,
doi: 10.1016/j.automatica.2017.11.030


Trunk Johannes, Cottenceau Bertrand, Hardouin Laurent, Raisch Joerg

"Model Decomposition of Timed Event Graphs under Partial Synchronization in Dioids" ,
14th IFAC International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Wodes'18, Sorrento, Italie, June 2018.


Xavier David-Henriet, Laurent Hardouin, and Jörg Raisch

"Max-Plus-Linear Systems for Modeling and Control of Manufacturing Problems" ,
Springer International Publishing AG 2017, L. Ghezzi et al. (eds.), Math for the Digital Factory, Mathematics in Industry 27, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-63957-4_3,


Bertrand Cottenceau, Laurent Hardouin, Johannes Trunk

"Weight-Balanced Timed Event Graphs to Model Periodic Phenomena in Manufacturing Systems" ,
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TASE.2017.2729894,


Laurent Hardouin, Ying Shang, Carlos Andrey Maia, Bertrand Cottenceau

"Observer-based Controllers for Max-plus Linear Systems" ,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017, Volume: 62, Issue:5 pages : 2153-2165 DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2016.2604562 ,


Vinicius Mariano Gonçalves, Carlos Andrey Maia, Laurent Hardouin

"On Max-Plus Linear Dynamical System Theory: The Regulation Problem" ,
Automatica, 2017, Pages 202–209, j.automatica.2016.09.019


Soraia Moradi, Laurent Hardouin, Joerg Raisch

"Optimal Control of a Class of Timed Discrete Event Systems with Shared Resources, An Approach Based on the Hadamard Product of Series in Dioids" ,
Conference on Decision and Control, CDC'17, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017.


Adetola Oke, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau, Ying Shang

"Observer-Based Controller for Disturbance Decoupling of Max-plus Linear Systems with Applications to a High Throughput Screening System in Drug Discovery" ,
Conference on Decision and Control, CDC'17, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017.


Johannes Trunk, Bertrand Cottenceau, Laurent Hardouin, Joerg Raisch

"Output Reference Control for Weight-Balanced Timed Event Graphs" ,
Conference on Decision and Control, CDC'17, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017.


Renato Markele Ferreira Cândido, Mehdi Lhommeau, Laurent Hardouin, Rafael Santos-Mendes

" MinMaxGDJS : A web toolbox to handle periodic series in MinMax[gamma,delta] semiring" ,
IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 9th - July 14th,2017.


Johannes Trunk, Bertrand Cottenceau, Laurent Hardouin, Joerg Raisch

"Model Decomposition of Weight-Balanced Timed Event Graphs in Dioids: Application to Control Synthesis" ,
IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 9th - July 14th,2017.


X. David-Henriet, Laurent Hardouin, J. Raisch, B. Cottenceau

"Model predictive control for discrete event systems with partial synchronization" ,
Automatica 70 (2016) 9–13. Draft
Dynamic Illustration


Nizar Chatti, Remy Guyonneau, Laurent Hardouin, Sylvain Verron, Sebastien Lagrange

"Model-based approach for fault diagnosis using set-membership formulation" ,
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 55, October 2016, Pages 307–319.


Soraia Moradi, Laurent Hardouin, Joerg Raisch

"Modeling and Control of Resource Sharing Problems in Dioids" ,
WODES 16,13th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems Xi'an, China, May 30 - June 1,2016, Draft


Ying Shang, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau, Carlos Andrey Maia

"Robust Controllers in Disturbance Decoupling of Uncertain Max-Plus Linear Systems: An Application to a High Throughput Screening System for Drug Discovery" ,
WODES 16,13th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems Xi'an, China, May 30 - June 1,2016, Draft


Xavier David-Henriet, Laurent Hardouin and Joerg Raisch

"Max-plus-linear Systems for Manufacturing Systems: Modeling and Control" ,
2014 KoMSO Challenge Workshop "Math for the Digital Factory" Berlin, 2014, Draft


Ying Shang, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau, Carlos Andrey Maia

" An integrated control strategy to solve the disturbance decoupling problem for max-plus linear systems with applications to a high throughput screening system" ,
Automatica 63 (2016) 338–348. Draft
Dynamic Illustration


Vinicius Mariano Gonçalves, Carlos Andrey Maia, Laurent Hardouin

"On the Steady State Control of Timed Event Graphs with Firing Date Constraints" ,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, August 2016, (Volume:61 , Issue: 8 ), Page(s):2187 - 2202 ,,


Xavier David-Henriet, Jörg Raisch, Laurent Hardouin, Bertand Cottenceau

"Modeling and Control for (max,plus)-Linear Systems with Set Based Constraints" ,
Conference IEEE CASE, August 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden. Draft
Animation without and with controller for (max,plus) linear System with Set-Based Constraints Here


Vinicius Gonçalves Mariano, Carlos ANdrey Maia, Laurent Hardouin

"On the Regulation Problem for Tropical Linear Event Invariant Dynamical Systems" ,
SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, July 2015, Paris, France. Talk Slides


Vinicius Mariano Gonçalves, Carlos Andrey Maia, Laurent Hardouin

"On tropical fractional linear programming" ,
Journal of Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume 459, 15 October 2014, Pages 384–396. DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2014.07.002 Draft


Ying Shang, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau, Carlos Andrey Maia

"An Integrated Control Strategy in Disturbance Decoupling of Max-Plus Linear Systems with Applications to a High Throughput Screening System in Drug Discovery" ,
2014, pages 5143-5148, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014, Los Angeles, (December 2014). Draft


Vinicius Goncalves Mariano, Carlos Andrey Maia, Laurent Hardouin, Ying Shang

"An Observer for Tropical Linear Event-Invariant Dynamical Systems" ,
2014, pages 5967- 5972, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014, Los Angeles, (December 2014). Draft


Xavier David-Henriet, Joerg Raisch, Laurent Hardouin, Bertrand Cottenceau

"Modeling and Control for Max-Plus Systems with Partial Synchronization",
WODES 2014, Paris, (May 2014). Draft


V.M. Gonçalves, C.A. Maia, Laurent Hardouin

"Avanços na teoria de controle para sistemas lineares na álgebra tropical",
XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, Belo Horizonte, (September 2014).


Bertrand Cottenceau, Sébastien LAHAYE, Laurent Hardouin

"Modeling of Time-Varying (max,+) Systems by means of Weighted Timed Event Graphs",
WODES 2014, Paris, (May 2014).


R. Guyonneau , S. Lagrange, L. Hardouin, P. Lucidarme.

"Guaranteed Interval Analysis Localization for Mobile Robots",
Journal on Advanced Robotics, (2014). DOI : Draft


X. David-Henriet, L. Hardouin, J. Raisch, B. Cottenceau

"Holding Time Maximization Preserving Output Performance for Timed Event Graphs",
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2014. Vol. 59, p. 1968 - 1973. DOI : 10.1109/TAC.2013.2297202 Draft


V. Mariano-Gonçalves, C.A. Maia, L. Hardouin

" Weak dual residuations applied to tropical linear equations",
Linear Algebra and its Applications, (2014), vol. 445 March 15, 2014. p. 69-84, DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2013.10.044. Draft


T. Brunsch, L. Hardouin, J. Raisch

"Modeling manufacturing systems in a dioid framework",
Chapter 2 in Book on Formal Methods in Manufacturing, Ed. Campos-Seatzu-Xie (2014).


B. Cottenceau, L. Hardouin, J.L. Boimond


B. Cottenceau, L. Hardouin, J.L. Boimond

"Modeling and Control of Weight-Balanced Timed Event Graphs in Dioids",
IEEE TAC, Trans. Automatic Control, 59:5, (2014),doi:10.1109/TAC.2013.2294822.


Le Corronc E., Cottenceau B., Hardouin L.

"Container of (min,+)-linear systems",
Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (2014), vol. 24-1,pp 24-52. and Draft


David-Henriet X., Hardouin L., Raisch J., Cottenceau B.

"Optimal Control for Timed Event Graphs under Partial Synchronization",
Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2013, Firenze.


Maia C.A., Hardouin L., Cury J.E.R.

"Some results on the feedback control of max-plus linear systems under state constrains",
Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2013, Firenze.
Animation for control of TEG in order to keep state in a semi-module (Javascript) Here
Slides of the talk Here


Guyonneau R., Lagrange S., Hardouin L., Lhommeau M.

"Set-Membership Method for Discrete Optimal Control",
10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, ICINCO 2013, Island.


Guyonneau R., Lagrange S., Hardouin L.

"A Visibility Information for Multi-Robot Localization",
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2013, Tokyo.


R. M. Ferreira Cândido, R. Santos-Mendes, L. Hardouin, C.A. Maia

"Particle filter for Max-Plus Systems",
European Control Conference, ECC 2013, Zurich.


Y. Shang, L. Hardouin, M. Lhommeau, C.A. Maia

"Open Loop Controllers to Solve the Disturbance Decoupling Problem for Max-Plus Linear Systems",
European Control Conference, ECC 2013, Zurich.


L. Hardouin, O. Boutin, B. Cottenceau, T. Brunsch, J. Raisch

"Discrete-Event Systems in a Dioid Framework: Control Theory",
in Control of Discrete-Event Systems, Ed; Springer, Series: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 433, 2013.


T. Brunsch, J. Raisch, L. Hardouin, O. Boutin,

"Discrete-Event Systems in a Dioid Framework: Modeling and Analysis",
in Control of Discrete-Event Systems, Ed; Springer, Series: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 433, 2013.


T. Brunsch, L. Hardouin, C.A. Maia, J. Raisch,

"Duality and interval analysis over idempotent semirings",
Linear Algebra and its Application, 437 (2012) 2436–2454 Bibtex, and Draft.


X. David-Henriet, T. Brunsch, J. Raisch, L. Hardouin

"Stock Reduction for Timed Event Graphs Based on Output Feedback",
11th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2012)- Mexico, Guadalajara, October 2012.


V.M. Goncalves, C. A. Maia, L. Hardouin

"On the solution of Max-plus linear equations with application on the control of Timed Event Graphs",
11th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2012)- Mexico, Guadalajara, October 2012.


M. Lhommeau, L. Jaulin, L. Hardouin

"A non-linear set-membership approach for the control of Discrete Event Systems",
11th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2012)- Mexico, Guadalajara, October 2012.


X. David-Henriet, J. Raisch, L. Hardouin

"Control Hierarchies with Top Layers Represented by Timed Event Graphs",
The 17th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Control (MMAR’2012)- Poland, Miedzyzdroje, August 2012.


R. Guyonneau, S. Lagrange, L. Hardouin

"Mobile Robots Pose Tracking: a Set-Membership Approach Using a Visibility Information",
9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO)- Italy, Roma, July 2012.


E. Le Corronc, B. Cottenceau, L. Hardouin

"ContainerMinMaxGD: a toolbox for (min,+)-linear systems ",
WoNeCa'12, Workshop on Network Calculus Kaiserslautern - Allemagne, Mars 2012.


T. Brunsch, J. Raisch, L. Hardouin

"Modeling and control of high-throughput screening systems", Control Engineering Practice Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 14-23. Bibtex and doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2010.12.006.


C.A. Maia, C.R. Andrade, L. Hardouin,

"On the control of max-plus linear system subject to state restriction", Automatica vol. 47, 2011, pp. 988–992. Bibtex and Draft.


L. Hardouin, M. Lhommeau, Y. Shang

"Towards Geometric Control of Max-Plus Linear Systems with Applications to Manufacturing Systems",
IEEE CDC-ECC 2011, Orlando, US Draft.


C.A. Maia L. Hardouin, R. Santos Mendes, J.J. Loiseau

"A Super-Eigenvector Approach to Control Constrained Max-Plus Linear Systems",
IEEE CDC-ECC 2011, Orlando US Draft.

T. Brunsch, L. Hardouin, J. Raisch

Modeling and Control of Nested Manufacturing Processes using Dioid Models
DCDS 2011
Saarbrucken, June 2011.


L. Hardouin, C.A. Maia, B. Cottenceau , M. Lhommeau

"Observer Design for (max,plus) linear systems ", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol.55-2, 2010, pp 538-543. Draft . Bibtex.
To see an illustration Observer doi : 10.1109/TAC.2009.2037477

L. Hardouin, B. Cottenceau, E. LeCorronc

On the dual product and the dual residuation over idempotent semiring of intervals
talk given in ILAS 2010, International Linear Algebra Society
Pisa, June 2010. Slides

E. LeCorronc, B. Cottenceau, L. Hardouin

Flow Control with (Min,+) Algebra
ISOLA 2010, 4th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, Special track on Network Calculus
Heraclion, Crete , October 2010. PDF

T. Brunsch, L. Hardouin, J. Raisch

Control of cyclically operated High-Throughput Screening Systems
WODES 2010, Workshop on Discrete Event Systems
Berlin, August 2010.BibTex

E. LeCorronc, B. Cottenceau, L. Hardouin

Control of uncertain (max,+)-linear systems in order to decrease uncertainty
WODES 2010, Workshop on Discrete Event Systems
Berlin, August 2010. PDF BibTex

L. Hardouin, C.A. Maia, B. Cottenceau, R. Santos Mendes

Max-plus Linear Observer: Application to Manufacturing Systems
WODES 2010, Workshop on Discrete Event Systems
Berlin, August 2010.PDF BibTex Talk Source Animation


L. Hardouin, B. Cottenceau , M. Lhommeau, E. Le Corronc

"Interval systems over idempotent semirings ", Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 431, n° 5-7, p. 855-862, 2009. Draft
doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.03.039 Bibtex


J.L. Paillat, P. Lucidarme, L. Hardouin

"Original design of Unmanned Grounded Vehicle (UGV) for exploration in rough terrain", Advanced Journal of Robotics, 24, 2010, pp 255-276.

A. Bouilllard, B. Cottenceau, B. Gaujal, L. Hardouin, S. Lagrange, M. Lhommeau, E. Thierry

COINC Library: a toolbox for the Network Calculus
ValueTools 2009, Fourth International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools
Pisa, October 2009.

E. Le Corronc, B. Cottenceau, L. Hardouin

Control of uncertain (min,+)-linear systems
POSTA 2009, International Symposium on Positive Systems, Valencia, September 2009.

J.L Paillat, P. Lucidarme, L. Hardouin

Evolutionnary stair climbing controler for Unmanned Ground Vehicles
SYROCO'09, Symposium on Robot Control, Gifu, Japon, September 2009.


Delanoue N., Jaulin L., Hardouin L., Lhommeau M.

"Guaranteed characterization of capture basins of nonlinear state-space systems", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 24, Springer, 2008, pp 265-272, 10.1007/978-3-540-85640-5_20


Cottenceau B., Hardouin L., Ouerghi I.

"Kanban Policy Improvement thanks to a (max,+) algebra analysis", International Journal of Systems Science, 2008, vol. 39, n. 7, p.689-698.

J.L Paillat, P. Lucidarme, L. Hardouin

Variable Geometry Tracked Vehicle, description, model and behavior
Worksop On Discrete Event Systems
Paper 130, Mecatronics 2008, Le Grand Bornand, May 2008.

Hardouin Laurent, Cottenceau B. , Lagrange S., Le Corronc E.

Performance Analysis of Linear Systems over Semiring with Additive Inputs
Worksop On Discrete Event Systems
WODES 08, Goteborg May 2008. Draft

Lhommeau M., Jaulin L, Hardouin Laurent

Inner and outer approximation of capture basins using interval analysis
ICINCO'07, May 11-12, Angers.

Ouerghi I., Hardouin L.

Control Synthesis for P-Temporal Event Graphs ,
WODES'06, July 10-12, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, USA draft

Ouerghi I., Hardouin L.

A Precompensator Synthesis for P-Temporal Event Graphs ,
POSTA'06, August, Grenoble, France, LNCIS 341, Springer, draft

Cottenceau B., Hardouin L., Ouerghi I.

Evolution of Kanban Systems Thanks to a (max,+)-Algebra Analysis ,
INCOM'2006, May, Saint Etienne, France draft


Maia C. A., Mendes R.S., Hardouin L.

"Identificação de Sistemas a Eventos Discretos Maxplus lineares", Sba Controle & Automação, 2005, vol.16, no.4, p.407-416.


Maia C. A., Luders R., Mendes R.S., Hardouin L.

"Estratégias de controle por modelo de referência de sistemas a eventos discretos Max-plus Lineares", Sba Controle & Automação, 2005, vol.16, no.3, p.263-278.

Lhommeau M., Hardouin L., Ferrier J.L., Ouerghi I.

Interval Analysis in Dioid : Application to Robust Open Loop Control for Timed Event Graphs,
44th CDC-ECC'05, December 2005, Seville draft
Scilab file to compute illustration Needs Scilab and Lminmaxgd toolbox
Flash Animation to illustrate robust Control.

[I28 ]
Maia C. A., Hardouin L., Santos Mendes R., Cottenceau B.

On the Model Reference Control for Max-Plus Linear Systems,
44th CDC-ECC'05, December 2005,Seville. draft

Ouerghi I., Hardouin L., Morel J.Y., Bourcerie M.

Verification and control of P-Temporal Event Graphs,
17th IMACS World Congress Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Paris, July 2005.

Santos Mendes R., Cottenceau B., Hardouin L.

Adaptive Feedback Control for (max,+)-linear Systems ,
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2005) Catane, Sicile, Sept. 2005


Lhommeau M., Hardouin L., Cottenceau B. and Jaulin L.

"Interval Analysis and Dioid : Application to Robust Controller Design for Timed Event Graphs", Automatica 40 (2004), 1923-1930 Draft

Lhommeau M., Hardouin L., Maia C.A., Santos Mendes R.

Control and Robustness Analysis for (max,+) linear systems,
International Worshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES 2004, Reims, draft


Maia C.A., Hardouin L., Santos-Mendes R., Cottenceau B.

Optimal Closed-Loop Control of Timed Event Graphs in Dioid,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 48 , Issue 12 , Dec. 2003, 2284 - 2287, Software to compute illustration Scilab file, ..


L. Jaulin L., Ratschan S., Hardouin L.


"Set computation for nonlinear control", Reliable Computing (2004), Vol. 10, pp. 1-26 Download


Lahaye S., Boimond J.L., Hardouin L.

"Linear Periodic Systems over Dioids", Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Kluwer Academic Press, vol. 14 (2004), pp. 133-152.


Lahaye S., Hardouin L. , Boimond J.L.

"Models Combination in (max,+) Algebra for the Implementation of a Simulation and Analysis Software" In Kybernetica, Vol. 39 (2003), n. 2, pp. 143-154


Cottenceau B., Hardouin L., Boimond J.L.

On Timed Event Graphs Stabilization by Output Feedback in Dioid,
In Kybernetica, Vol. 39 (2003), n. 2, pp 165-176.draft


Cottenceau B., Hardouin L., Boimond J.L.

Model Reference Control for Timed Event Graphs in Dioids. Automatica, 37, 1451-1458, August 2001 . Download draft and software to compute illustrations cpp file or Scilab file

Lhommeau M., Hardouin L., Cottenceau B., Jaulin L.

Robust controller Design for Timed Event Graphs in Dioid ,
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2003) Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2003 draft

Lhommeau M., Hardouin L., Cottenceau B.

Optimal Control for (max,+)-linear Systems in the Presence of Disturbances,
International Symposium on Positive Systems, POSTA, August 2003, Roma, draft


Maia C.A.,  Hardouin L., Santos-Mendes R.

Optimal Closed-Loop Control of Timed Event Graphs in Dioids
International WorkShop on Max,+ Algebra, July 2003 Birmingham, draft

Lhommeau M., Hardouin L., Cottenceau B., Maia C.A.

Robustness Analysis of Control laws for (max,+)-linear Systems,
International WorkShop on Max,+ Algebra, July 2003 Birmingham, draft


C.A. Maia , R. Santos-Mendes , L. Hardouin

Some Results on Identification of Timed Event Graphs in Dioid,
IEEE med' 2003, Rhodes, June 2003 draft


M. Lhommeau, L. Hardouin et B. Cottenceau

Disturbance Decoupling of Timed Event Graphs by Output Feedback Controller ,Workshop On Discrete Event Systems (WODES' 2002) Saragosse, Espagne, Octobre 2002 draft


Cottenceau B., Hardouin L., Boimond J.L

On Timed Event Graph Stabilization by Output Feedback in Dioid", 2001, Max-plus Workshop, Prague, 27-29 August 2001, IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control draft and Software


Lahaye S., Boimond J.L., Hardouin L. Cottenceau B.

Models Combination in (max,+) Algebra for the Implementation of a Simulation and Analysis Software. 2001, Max-plus Workshop, Prague, 27-29 August 2001, IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control


Menguy E., .Boimond J.L, Hardouin L

A First Step towards Adaptive Control for Linear Systems in Max Algebra, Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 347-367, October 2000


Menguy E., .Boimond J.L, Hardouin L

Just in time control of linear system in dioid: Cases of an update of reference input and uncontrollable input. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 2155-2159, November 2000


Boimond J.L., Lahaye S., Cottenceau B., Hardouin L.

On Discrete Event Systems in Dioids: Identification, Control, Extension of Timed Event Graphs. 2000, IAR’2000, 15th IAR Annual Meeting, pp. 1-7, Nancy, France.


Ferrier J.L., Lahaye S., Hardouin L., Boimond J.L.

MAISTeR: a User-Friendly Software Package for Performance Analysis and Decision, based on (max, +) Algebra". 2000, SMC'2000, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Nashville, 8-11


B. Cottenceau , L. Hardouin, M. Lhommeau

Data Processing Tool for Calculation in Dioid. 2000, Workshop On Discrete Event Systems WODES'2000, Ghent draft and Software


Lahaye S., Boimond J.L., Hardouin L.

Analysis of Periodic Discrete Event Systems in (max, +) Algebra. 2000, Workshop On Discrete Event Systems WODES'2000, Ghent


Lahaye S., Boimond J.L., Hardouin L.

Optimal Control of (min, +) Linear Time-Varying Systems. 8th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM'99) 1999, pp. 170-178, Zaragoza, September.


Lahaye S., Boimond J.L., Hardouin L.

Timed Event Graphs with Variable Resources: Asymptotic Behavior, Representation in (min,+) Algebra. JESA, vol. 33, no. 8-9/1999, pp. 1015-1032


Jaulin L, Boimond J.L., Hardouin L.

Estimation of discrete event systems using interval computation. Reliable Computing Journal, 5: 165-173, 1999 preprint


Cottenceau B., Hardouin L., Boimond J.L., Ferrier J.L.

Synthesis of Greatest Linear Feedback for TEG in Dioid, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 1258-1262, June 1999..


Hardouin L., Menguy E., Boimond J.L., Ferrier J.L.

"S.I.S.O. Discrete Event Systems Control in Dioid Algebra", 1997, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, vol. 31, p. 433-452.


Menguy E., .Boimond J.L, Hardouin L

Adaptive control for linear systems in max-algebra. 1998, WODES 98, Cagliari, Italy.


Gallot F., Boimond J.L, Hardouin L.

Identification of Linear Systems using MA and ARMA Model in Dioid 1998, IFAC, System Structure and Control, pp.593-601, Nantes.


Menguy E., .Boimond J.L, Hardouin L.

Optimal Control of Disrete Event Systems under Updated Reference Input 1998, IFAC, System Structure and Control, pp.601-609, Nantes.


Laumonier J., Hardouin L., Jean P.

"An active anechoic termination for low frequencies with mean flow", 1996, Acustica, vol. 83, p. 25-34.preprint


Menguy E., Boimond J.L., Hardouin L.

"A Feedback Control in Max-Algebra", 1997, ECC'97, Bruxelles.


Gallot F., Boimond J.L, Hardouin L.

"Identification of Simple Elements in Max-Algebra: Application to SISO Discrete Event Systems Modelisation", 1997, ECC'97, Bruxelles.


Cottenceau B., Hardouin L., Boimond J.L.

"Dynamic control of Kanban System in Dioid Algebra", 1997, 5th IEEE Med. conference on Control and Systems, Chypre, .


Menguy E., Boimond J.L., Hardouin L.

"Feedback Controller Design in Max-Algebra", 1997, IFAC international Workshop, Belfort.


Micheau P., Coirault P., Hardouin L., Tartarin J.

"Adaptive rejection of the preponderant harmonic of a pulsed flow", 1996, IEEE, Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 4, n° 4, p. 452-459.


Hardouin L., Micheau P., Tartarin J., Laumonier J.

"Modélisation et développement d'un dispositif de contrôle actif de débits pulsés", 1995, Participation à l'ouvrage collectif , Active Control in Mechanical Engineering, chapitre 2. Active noise control, Ed. Hermes, coordonateur L. Jézéquel, 448 p.


J.L. Boimond, L. Hardouin, P. Chiron,

"A Modeling Method of SISO Discrete-Event Systems in Max-Algebra", 1995, ECC'95, p. 2023-2026, Rome


Hardouin L., Micheau P., Tartarin J., Laumonier J.


Micheau P., Coirault P., Hardouin L., Tartarin J.

"Réjection adaptative de l'harmonique prépondérant d'un écoulement pulsé" 1993, Revue d'Automatique et de Productique Appliquées (R.A.P.A.) Ed. Hermès, Vol.6, p. 385-400.


Hardouin L., Micheau P., Tartarin J., Laumonier J.

"An anti pulsatory device used as active noise control system in a duct", 1993, Acta Acustica, Vol.1, n° 5-6, p. 189-198.


Hardouin L., Tartarin J., Laumonier J.

" An analytical model of an active anti-pulsatory device", 1992, Symposiun on active control of noise and vibration, Winter Annual Meeting (W.A.M.) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (A.S.M.E.). Anaheim California, DSC-Vol. 38, p. 15-23.


Tartarin J., Laumonier J., Hardouin L.

"An electro-mechanical transducer for an active anti-pulsatory system", 1991, Recent advances in active control of sound and vibration, Blacksburgh Virginia. Ed. Technomic, p. 150-163.


Publications dans des congrès nationaux





Lhommeau M., Hardouin L., Cottenceau B.


Sur le rejet de perturbation dans les dioïdes, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique (CIFA' 2002) Nantes, France, Juillet 2002




Lhommeau M., Hardouin L., Cottenceau B., Lahaye S., Boimond J.L.


 Commande de systèmes à événements discrets, Exposé aux journées Réseaux de Petri, Toulouse, Octobre 2001.


Lhommeau M., Hardouin L., Cottenceau B., Boimond J.L.

Sur les correcteurs en boucle fermée dans les dioïdes. MSR 2001, Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, Edition Hermès, 463-479, Toulouse.


Lhommeau M., Hardouin L., Cottenceau B.

A propos de la commande optimale de systèmes à événements discrets dans les dioïdes. 2001, Journées des Doctorants en Automatique, JDA 2001, Toulouse.


Lahaye S., Boimond J.L., Hardouin L.

Graphes d’événements temporisés : représentation entrée/sortie, commande en juste-à-temps. 1999, Journées Doctorales d’Automatique JDA'99, pp. 293-296, Nancy.


Lahaye S., Boimond J.L., Hardouin L.

Graphe d'événements temporisés avec ajout/retrait dynamique de jetons : comportement asymptotique, représentation dans l'algèbre (min, +) 1999, 2ème Congrès sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, pp. 27-37, Cachan.


Cottenceau B., Hardouin L.

Synthèse de feedbacks pour les systèmes de production modélisés par des graphes d'événements temporisés. 1998, MOVEP 1998, Nantes.


Gallot F., Boimond J.L, Hardouin L.

Identification de Graphes d’événements temporisés dans l’algèbre (max,+) 1997, AGIS’97, pp. 223-230, Angers.


Cottenceau B.; Hardouin L., Boimond J.L.

Synthèse d’un feedback linéaire dans l’algèbre des dioïdes pour la commande d’un système Kanban. 1997, AGIS’97, pp. 193-200, Angers.


Laumonier J., Hardouin L.

"Terminaison anéchoïque active pour basses fréquences en présence d'écoulement". 1997, Congrés Français d'Acoustique, Marseille.


Menguy E., Boimond J.L., Hardouin L.

"Une méthode de modéliation de Systèmes à Evénements discrets mono-entrée/mono-sortie dans l'algèbre des dioïdes". 1996, AFCET, Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, p. 351-359, Brest.


Menguy E., Hardouin L., Boimond J.L.

"Commande de Systèmes à Evenements Discrets dans l'algèbre des dioïdes". 1996, AFCET, Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, p. 63-71, Brest.


Micheau P., Coirault P., Hardouin L., Tartarin J.

Réjection adaptative de l'harmonique prépondérant d'un écoulement pulsé. Application à un échappement actif". 1995, Journées "Automatique et Automobile" organisées par le Club EEA, Bordeaux.


Rapport de contrat



Lagrange S, Cottenceau B., Hardouin L.

2001-2002, Etude et Optimisation d'une ligne de fabrication de sommier, Société Recticel


Coordinateur : J.-L. Ferrier


1998-2000, Rapport d'activité du CPER CIM-Angers, Sous-projet MAISTeR : Modélisation/Analyse de performances, Identification/Surveillance en Temps Réel de systèmes de production.


Mariaux G., Hardouin L., Gervais Y.

"Etude et réalisation d'un prototype original de contrôle actif des ondes de pression dans les voitures T.G.V." 1994, Rapport du contrat C.N.R.S. n°780252, entre le L.E.A. et GEC-Alsthom.


Tartarin J., Laumonier J., Hardouin L.

"Métrologie liée au développement d'un dispositif anti-pulsatoire actif", 1992, rapport concernant l'appel d'offres "Contrôle actif" du Ministère de l'environnement.


Tartarin J., Laumonier J., Hardouin L.

"L'étude, la réalisation et les tests d'un prototype de dispositif anti-pulsatoire utilisable comme silencieux basses fréquences dans un circuit d'échappement de moteur thermique", 1991 Rapport de contrat C.N.R.S. entre le Laboratoire d'Etudes Aérodynamiques et la société BOET.



"Une méthode originale de contrôle actif des bruits d'écoulements pulsés : Etude d'un actionneur, modélisation et commande adaptative du système", réalisée au Laboratoire d'Etudes Aérodynamiques de Poitiers (URA CNRS n° 191) sous la direction du professeur J.L. Peube et soutenue le 9 décembre 1993 (Mention Très Honorable avec les Félicitations du jury, composé de J.P. Guilhot (rapporteur), B. Nayrolles (rapporteur), J.C. Trigeassou, J. Laumonier, J. Tartarin, J.L. Peube).