by F. Chapeau-Blondeau |
[A163] Y. Ren, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott;
"Self-gating stochastic resonance based autoencoder for unsupervised learning"; Physical Review E 110, 014107, 1-8 (2024). Paper
[A162] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Simulating quantum Pauli noise with three independently controlled Pauli gates"; Electronics 13, 439,1-13 (2024). Paper
[A161] F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Optimized injection of noise in activation functions to improve generalization of neural networks"; Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 178, 114363,1-9 (2024). Paper
[A160] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Indefinite causal order for quantum phase estimation with Pauli noise"; Fluctuation and Noise Letters 22, 2350036,1-9 (2023). Paper
[A159] Y. Pan, L. Xu, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau;
"Optimal noise-boosted estimator design via adaptive stochastic resonance"; Fluctuation and Noise Letters 22, 2350028,1-17 (2023). Paper
[A158] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Indefinite causal order for quantum metrology with quantum thermal noise"; Physics Letters A 447, 128300,1-10 (2022). Paper
[A157] S. Bai, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott;
"Generalization of stochastic resonance based threshold networks with Tikhonov regularization"; Physical Review E 106, L012101,1-5 (2022). Paper
[A156] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Modeling and simulation of a quantum thermal noise on the qubit"; Fluctuation and Noise Letters 21, 2250060,1-17 (2022). Paper
[A155] Z. Chen, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Training threshold neural networks by extreme learning machine and adaptive stochastic resonance"; Physics Letters A 432, 128008,1-7 (2022). Paper
F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Quantum parameter estimation on coherently superposed noisy channels"; Physical
Review A 104, 032214,1-16 (2021). Paper
[A153] L. Duan, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott;
"Noise-boosted backpropagation learning of feedforward threshold neural networks for function approximation"; IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1010612,1-12 (2021). Paper
[A152] J. Lui, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Distributed Bayesian vector estimation using noise-optimized low-resolution sensor observations"; Digital Signal Processing 118, 103224,1-10 (2021). Paper
[A151] F. Li, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Signal estimation and filtering from quantized observations via adaptive stochastic resonance"; Physical Review E 103, 052108,1-7 (2021). Paper[A150]
F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noisy quantum metrology with the
assistance of indefinite causal order"; Physical
Review A 103, 032615,1-18 (2021). Paper
[A149] X. Liu, L. Duan, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D.
Abbott; "Enhancing threshold neural network via suprathreshold
stochastic resonance for pattern classification"; Physics
Letters A 403, 127387,1-8 (2021). Paper
[A148] Y. Pan, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, L. Xu, D. Abbott; "Study of vibrational resonance in nonlinear signal processing"; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 379, 20200235,1-11 (2021). Paper
[A147] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, E. Belin; "Quantum signal processing for quantum phase estimation: Fourier-transform versus maximum-likelihood approaches."; Annals of Telecommunications 75, 641-653 (2020). Paper
[A146] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, E. Belin; "Fourier-transform quantum phase estimation with quantum phase noise"; Signal Processing 170, 107441,1-10 (2020). Paper
[A145] J. Liu, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Exploring bona fide optimal noise for Bayesian parameter estimation"; IEEE Access 8, 18822-18831 (2020). Paper
[A144] F. Duan, L. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, Y. Ren, D. Abbott; "Binary signal transmission in nonlinear sensors: Stochastic resonance and human hand balance"; IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 23 (1), pp. 44-49, February 2020. Paper
[A143] L. Duan, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Stochastic resonance in Hopfield neural networks for transmitting binary signals"; Physics Letters A 384, 126143,1-7 (2020). Paper
[A142] Y. Pan, F. Duan, L. Xu, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Benefits of noise in M-estimators: Optimal noise level and probability density"; Physica A 534, 120835,1-13 (2019). Paper
[A141] F. Duan, Y. Pan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Noise benefits in combined nonlinear Bayesian estimators"; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67, 4611-4623 (2019). Paper
[A140] N. Gillard, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Stochastic resonance with unital quantum noise"; Fluctuation and Noise Letters 18, 1950015,1-15 (2019). Paper
[A139] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Optimized entanglement for quantum parameter estimation from noisy qubits"; International Journal of Quantum Information 16, 1850056,1-25 (2018). Paper
[A138] N. Gillard, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Enhancing qubit information with quantum thermal noise"; Physica A 507, 219-230 (2018). Paper
[A137] Y. Pan, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D.
Abbott; "Noise enhancement in robust estimation of location";
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66, 1953-1966 (2018).
[A136] E. Belin, C.
Douarre, N. Gillard, F. Franconi, J. Rojas-Varela , F.
Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Demilly, J. Adrien, E. Maire, D. Rousseau;
"Evaluation of 3D/2D imaging and image processing techniques for
the monitoring of seed imbibition"; Journal of Imaging 4,
83,1-16 (2018). Paper
N. Gillard, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Qubit state
detection and enhancement by quantum thermal noise"; Electronics
Letters 54, 38-39 (2018). Paper
[A134] N.
Gillard, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Stochastic
antiresonance in qubit phase estimation with quantum thermal
noise"; Physics Letters A 381, 2621-2628
(2017). Paper
[A133] Y. Ren, Y. Pan, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau,
D. Abbott; "Exploiting vibrational resonance in weak signal
detection"; Physical Review E 96, 022141,1-8
(2017). Paper
[A132] F.
Chapeau-Blondeau; "Entanglement-assisted quantum parameter
estimation from a noisy qubit pair: A Fisher information
analysis"; Physics Letters A 381, 1369-1378 (2017).
[A131] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Optimizing qubit
phase estimation"; Physical Review A 94,
022334,1-14 (2016). Paper
F. Chapeau-Blondeau, E. Belin; "Quantum image coding with a
reference-frame-independent scheme"; Quantum Information
Processing (Springer) 15, 2685-2700 (2016). Paper
[A129] F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Capacity of very noisy channels based on Fisher information"; Scientific Reports 6, art. 27946, pp. 1-8 (2016). Paper
[A128] L. Benoit, R. Benoit, E. Belin, R. Vadaine, D. Demilly, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "On the value of the Kullback-Leibler divergence for cost-effective spectral imaging of plants by optimal selection of wavebands"; Machine Vision and Applications 27, 625-635 (2016). Paper
[A127] L. J. Gunn, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, A. Allison, D. Abbott; "Towards an information-theoretic model of the Allison mixture stochastic process"; Journal of Statistical Mechanics : Theory and Experiment, vol. 2016, art. 054041, pp.1-8 (2016). Paper
[A126] Y. Chéné, D. Rousseau, E. Belin, M. Garbez, G. Galopin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Shape descriptors to characterize the shoots of entire plants from multiple side views of a motorized depth sensor"; Machine Vision and Applications 27, 447-461 (2016). Paper
[A125] L. J. Gunn, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, M. D.
McDonnell, B. R. Davis, A. Allison, D. Abbott; "Too good to be
true: when overwhelming evidence fails to convince"; Proceedings
of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
Sciences 472, 20150748,1-15 (2016). Paper
F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Encoding efficiency of
suprathreshold stochastic resonance on stimulus-specific
information"; Physics Letters A 380, 33-39 (2016).
[A123] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Qubit state
estimation and enhancement by quantum thermal noise"; Electronics
Letters 51, 1673-1675 (2015). Paper
F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Optimization of quantum states for
signaling across an arbitrary qubit noise channel with minimum-error
detection"; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61,
4500-4510 (2015). Paper
F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Optimized probing states for qubit phase
estimation with general quantum noise"; Physical Review
A 91, 052310,1-13 (2015). Paper
[A120] D. Rousseau, Y. Chéné, E. Belin, G. Semaan, G. Trigui, K. Boudehri, F. Franconi, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Multiscale imaging of plants: current approaches and challenges"; Plant Methods 11, 6 (2015). Paper
[A119] L. Benoit, E. Belin, C. Dürr, F.
Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Demilly, S. Ducournau, D. Rousseau; "Computer
vision under inactinic light for hypocotyl-radicle separation with a
generic gravitropism-based criterion"; Computers and
Electronics in Agriculture 111, 12-17 (2015). Paper
L. Benoit, E. Belin, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau;
"Information-theoretic modeling of trichromacy coding of light
spectrum"; Fluctuation and Noise Letters 13,
1450025,1-23 (2014). Paper
F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Tsallis entropy for assessing quantum
correlation with Bell-type inequalities in EPR experiment";
Physica A 414, 204-215 (2014). Paper
F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Double-maximum
enhancement of signal-to-noise ratio gain via stochastic resonance
and vibrational resonance"; Physical Review E 90,
022134,1-7 (2014). Paper
F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Quantum state discrimination and
enhancement by noise"; Physics Letters A 378, 2128-2136
(2014). Paper
[A114] F.
Chapeau-Blondeau, C. Jeanguillaume; "Characterization of maximum
likelihood solutions to image reconstruction in photon emission
tomography"; Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
49, 467-480 (2014). Paper
[A113] F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott;
"Non-Gaussian noise benefits for coherent detection of
narrowband weak signal"; Physics Letters A 378, 1820–1824
(2014). Paper
[A112] L.
Benoit, D. Rousseau, E. Belin, D. Demilly, F. Chapeau-Blondeau;
"Simulation of image acquisition in machine vision dedicated to
seedling elongation to validate image processing root segmentation
algorithms."; Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
104, 84-92 (2014). Paper
F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Stochastic resonance
with colored noise for neural signal detection"; PLoS ONE
9(3): e91345, 1-7 (2014). Paper
[A110] F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Weak
signal detection: condition for noise induced enhancement";
Digital Signal Processing 23, 1585-1591 (2013). Paper
Y. Chéné, E. Belin, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau;
"Multiscale analysis of depth images from natural scenes:
Scaling in the depth of the woods"; Chaos, Solitons &
Fractals 54, 135-149 (2013) Paper
Y. Ma, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Weak-periodic
stochastic resonance in a parallel array of static nonlinearities";
PLoS ONE 8(3): e58507, 1-7 (2013). Paper
A. Delahaies, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, F. Franconi; "Tuning
the noise in magnetic resonance imaging to maximize nonlinear
information transmission"; Fluctuation and Noise Letters
12, 1350005,1-16 (2013). Paper
F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Exploring
weak-periodic-signal stochastic resonance in locally optimal
processors with a Fisher information metric"; Signal
Processing 92, 3049-3055 (2012). Paper
S. Bricq, G. Mahé, D. Rousseau, A. Humeau-Heurtier, F.
Chapeau-Blondeau, J. Rojas Varela, P. Abraham; "Assessing
spatial resolution versus sensitivity for physiological measurement
from laser speckle contrast imaging"; Medical &
Biological Engineering & Computing 50, 1017–1023
(2012). Paper
[A104] A.
Humeau-Heurtier, G. Mahé, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, P.
Abraham; "Study of time reversibility / irreversibility of
cardiovascular data: theoretical results and application to laser
Doppler flowmetry and heart rate variability signals"; Physics
in Medicine and Biology 57, 4335–4351 (2012). Paper
A. Delahaies, D. Rousseau, J. B. Fasquel, F. Chapeau-Blondeau;
"Local-feature-based similarity measure for stochastic resonance
in visual perception of spatially structured images"; Journal
of the Optical Society of America A 29, 1211–1216 (2012).
[A102] F. Duan, F.
Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Fisher information as a metric of
locally optimal processing and stochastic resonance"; PLoS
ONE 7(4): e34282, 1-6 (2012). Paper
A. Humeau, B. Buard, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, P. Abraham;
"Multifractal analysis of laser Doppler flowmetry signals:
partition function and generalized dimensions of data recorded before
and after local heating"; Biocybernetics and Biomedical
Engineering 32, 17-26 (2012).
[A100] Y. Chéné,
D. Rousseau, P. Lucidarme, J. Bertheloot, V. Caffier, P. Morel, E.
Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "On the use of depth camera for 3D
phenotyping of entire plants"; Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture 82, 122-127 (2012). Paper
F. Duan, D. Abbott, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Evaluation of the sign
detector for DCT-domain watermark detection"; Fluctuation and
Noise Letters 10, 337–358 (2011). Paper
[A98] F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott;
"Fisher-information condition for enhanced signal detection via
stochastic resonance"; Physical Review E 84, 051107,1-5
(2011). Paper
[A97] A.
Humeau, G. Mahé, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, P. Abraham;
"Multiscale analysis of microvascular blood flow: a multiscale
entropy study of laser Doppler flowmetry time series"; IEEE
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 58, 2970-2973 (2011).
[A96] A.
Delahaies, D. Rousseau, D. Gindre, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Exploiting
the speckle noise for compressive imaging"; Optics
Communications 284, 3939-3945 (2011). Paper
[A95] F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Neural
signal transduction aided by noise in multisynaptic excitatory and
inhibitory pathways with saturation"; Physica A 390,
2855-2862 (2011). Paper
F. Chapeau-Blondeau, A. Delahaies, D. Rousseau; "Tsallis entropy
measure of noise-aided information transmission in a binary channel";
Physics Letters A 375, 2211-2219 (2011). Paper
A. Delahaies, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Joint
acquisition-processing approach to optimize observation scales in
noisy imaging"; Optics Letters 36, 972-974 (2011).
[A92] F.
Chapeau-Blondeau, A. Delahaies, D. Rousseau; "Source coding with
Tsallis entropy"; Electronics Letters, 47, 187-188
(2011). Paper
[A91] A. Humeau; B. Buard, G. Mahé, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, P. Abraham; "Multiscale entropy of laser Doppler flowmetry signals in healthy human subjects"; Medical Physics, 37, 6142-6146 (2010). Paper
[A90] J. Chauveau, D. Rousseau, P. Richard, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Multifractal analysis of three-dimensional histogram from color images"; Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 43, 57-67 (2010). Paper
[A89] A. Humeau; B. Buard, G. Mahé, F.
Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, P. Abraham; "Multifractal
analysis of heart rate variability and laser Doppler flowmetry
fluctuations: comparison of results from different numerical
methods"; Physics in Medicine and Biology 55, 6279-6297
(2010). Paper
[A88] B.
Buard, G. Mahé, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, P. Abraham,
A. Humeau; "Generalized fractal dimensions of laser Doppler
flowmetry signals recorded from glabrous and non glabrous skin";
Medical Physics 37, 2827-2836 (2010). Paper
[A87] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, A. Delahaies;
"Rényi entropy measure of noise-aided information
transmission in a binary channel"; Physical Review E 81,
051112,1-10 (2010). Paper
B. Buard, A. Humeau, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, P. Abraham;
"Pointwise Hölder exponents of a model for skin laser
Doppler flowmetry signals based on six nonlinear coupled oscillators
with linear and parametric couplings: Comparison with experimental
data from young healthy subjects"; IRBM - Ingénierie
et Recherche Biomédicale (Elsevier) 31, 175–181
(2010). Paper
[A85] J. Chauveau, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Fractal capacity dimension of three-dimensional histogram from color images"; Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 21, 197-211 (2010). Paper
[A84] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, F. Duan, D. Abbott; "Synaptic signal transduction aided by noise in a dynamical saturating model"; Physical Review E 81, 021124,1-7 (2010). Paper
[A83] D. Rousseau, A. Delahaies, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Structural similarity measure to assess improvement by noise in nonlinear image transmission"; IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17, 36-39 (2010). Paper
[A82] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "The minimum description length principle for probability density estimation by regular histograms"; Physica A 388, 3969-3984 (2009). Paper
[A81] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, J. Chauveau, D. Rousseau, P. Richard; "Fractal structure in the color distribution of natural images"; Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 42, 472-482 (2009). Paper
[A80] F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Enhancing array stochastic resonance in ensembles of excitable systems"; Journal of Statistical Mechanics : Theory and Experiment P08017, pp.1-16 (2009). Paper
[A79] A. Humeau, B. Buard, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, G. Mahé, P. Abraham; "Multifractal analysis of central (electrocardiography) and peripheral (laser Doppler flowmetry) cardiovascular time series from healthy human subjects"; Physiological Measurement 30, 617-629 (2009). Paper
[A78] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Raising the noise to improve performance in optimal processing"; Journal of Statistical Mechanics : Theory and Experiment P01003, pp.1-15 (2009). Paper
[A77] A. Humeau, W. Trzepizur, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, P. Abraham; "Localization of transient signal high-values in laser Doppler flowmetry signals with an empirical mode decomposition"; Medical Physics 36, 18-21 (2009). Paper
[A76] F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Input-output gain of collective response in an uncoupled parallel array of saturating dynamical subsystems"; Physica A 388, 1345-1351 (2009). Paper
[A75] S. Blanchard, D. Rousseau, D. Gindre, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Benefits from a speckle noise family on a coherent imaging transmission."; Optics Communications 281, 4173-4179 (2008). Paper
[A74] A. Humeau, W. Trzepizur, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, P. Abraham; "Fisher information and Shannon entropy for on-line detection of transient signal high-values in laser Doppler flowmetry signals of healthy subjects"; Physics in Medicine and Biology 53, 5061-5076 (2008). Paper
[A73] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Gindre, R. Barillé, D. Rousseau; "Optical coherence of a scalar wave influenced by first-order and second-order statistics of its random phase"; Fluctuation and Noise Letters 8, L95-L111 (2008). Paper
[A72] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, S. Blanchard, D. Gindre; "Optimizing the speckle noise for maximum efficacy of data acquisition in coherent imaging"; Journal of the Optical Society of America A 25, 1287-1292 (2008). Paper
[A71] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, S. Blanchard, D. Rousseau; "Fisher information and noise-aided power estimation from one-bit quantizers"; Digital Signal Processing 18, 434-443 (2008). Paper
[A70] F. Duan, D. Abbott, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "The application of saturating detectors to a DCT-domain watermarking scheme"; Fluctuation and Noise Letters 8, L65-L79 (2008). Paper
[A69] F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Theory of array stochastic resonance in a parallel array of nonlinear dynamical elements"; Physics Letters A 382, 2159-2166 (2008). Paper
[A68] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, F. Duan, D. Abbott; "Signal-to-noise ratio of a dynamical saturating system: Switching from stochastic resonator to signal processor"; Physica A 387, 2394-2402 (2008). Paper
[A67] A. Humeau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, P. Rousseau, W. Trzepizur, P. Abraham; "Multifractality, sample entropy, and wavelet analyses for age-related changes in the peripheral cardiovascular system: Preliminary results"; Medical Physics 35, 717-723 (2008). Paper
[A66] A. Humeau, L. Fizanne, J. Roux, P. Asfar, P. Cales, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Laser Doppler flowmetry signals to quantify effects of isoflurane on the peripheral cardiovascular system of healthy rats"; Applied Physics Letters 91, 263901,1-3 (2007). Paper
[A65] D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noise-improved Bayesian estimation with arrays of one-bit quantizers"; IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 56, 2658-2662 (2007). Paper
[A64] A. Humeau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, M. Tartas, B. Fromy, P. Abraham; "Multifractality in the peripheral cardiovascular system from pointwise Hölder exponents of laser Doppler flowmetry signals"; Biophysical Journal 93, L59-L61 (2007). Paper
[A63] S. Blanchard, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noise enhancement of signal transduction by parallel arrays of nonlinear neurons with threshold and saturation"; Neurocomputing 71, 333-341 (2007). Paper
[A62] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Injecting noise to improve performance of optimal detector"; Electronics Letters 43, 897-898 (2007). Paper
[A61] S. Blanchard, D. Rousseau, D. Gindre, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Constructive action of the speckle noise in a coherent imaging system"; Optics Letters 32, 1983-1985 (2007). Paper
[A60] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Autocorrelation versus entropy-based autoinformation for measuring dependence in random signal"; Physica A 380, 1-18 (2007). Paper
[A59] D. Rousseau, G. V. Anand, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noise-enhanced nonlinear detector to improve signal detection in non-Gaussian noise"; Signal Processing 86, 3456-3465 (2006). Paper
[A58] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Le principe de longueur de description minimale pour la modélisation des données, ou la théorie statistique de l'information pour bien exploiter les mesures."; Le Bup - Bulletin de l'Union des Professeurs de Physique et de Chimie, vol. 100, n° 889(2), 145-155 (2006). Paper
[A57] J. Fiorina, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Interferer rejection improved by noise in ultra-wideband telecommunications"; Fluctuation and Noise Letters 6, L317-L328 (2006). Paper
[A56] F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Noise-enhanced SNR gain in parallel array of bistable oscillators"; Electronics Letters 42, 1008-1009 (2006). Paper
[A55] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Nonlinear devices acting as SNR amplifiers for a harmonic signal in noise"; Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 25, 431-446 (2006). Paper
[A54] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, S. Blanchard, D. Rousseau; "Noise-enhanced Fisher information in parallel arrays of sensors with saturation"; Physical Review E 74, 031102,1-10 (2006). Paper
[A53] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Noise-aided SNR amplification by parallel arrays of sensors with saturation"; Physics Letters A 351, 231-237 (2006). Paper
[A52] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Constructive action of additive noise in optimal detection"; International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos 15, 2985-2994 (2005). Paper
[A51] C. Morel, M. Bourcerie, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Improvement of power supply electromagnetic compatibility by extension of chaos anticontrol"; Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 14, 757-770 (2005). Paper
[A50] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Nonlinear SNR amplification of harmonic signal in noise"; Electronics Letters 41, 618-619 (2005). Paper
[A49] D. Rousseau, J. Rojas Valera, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Evaluation of a nonlinear bistable filter for binary signal detection"; International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos 15, 667-679 (2005). Paper
[A48] D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Constructive role of noise in signal detection from parallel arrays of quantizers"; Signal Processing 85, 571-580 (2005). Paper
[A47] C. Morel, M. Bourcerie, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Generating independent chaotic attractors by chaos anticontrol in nonlinear circuits"; Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 26, 541-549 (2005). Paper
[A46] D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Stochastic resonance and improvement by noise in optimal detection strategies"; Digital Signal Processing 15, 19-32 (2005). Paper
[A45] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Enhancement by noise in parallel arrays of sensors with power-law characteristics"; Physical Review E 70, 060101(R),1-4 (2004). Paper
[A44] D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Neuronal signal transduction aided by noise at threshold and at saturation"; Neural Processing Letters 20, 71-83 (2004). Paper
[A43] B. Xu, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Comparison of aperiodic stochastic resonance in a bistable system realized by adding noise and by tuning system parameters"; Physical Review E 69, 061110,1-8 (2004). Paper
[A42] D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Suprathreshold stochastic resonance and signal-to-noise ratio improvement in arrays of comparators"; Physics Letters A 321, 280-290 (2004). Paper
[A41] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Noise-enhanced performance for an optimal Bayesian estimator"; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 52, 1327-1334 (2004). Paper
[A40] F. Duan, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Residual aperiodic stochastic resonance in a bistable dynamic system transmitting a suprathreshold binary signal"; Physical Review E 69, 011109,1-10 (2004). Paper
[A39] D. Rousseau, F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Suprathreshold stochastic resonance and noise-enhanced Fisher information in arrays of threshold devices"; Physical Review E 68, 031107,1-10 (2003). Paper
[A38] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Stochastic resonance for an optimal detector with phase noise"; Signal Processing 83, 665-670 (2003). Paper
[A37] D. Rousseau, J. Rojas Varela, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Stochastic resonance for nonlinear sensors with saturation"; Physical Review E 67, 021102,1-6 (2003). Paper
[A36] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Noise improvements in stochastic resonance: From signal amplification to optimal detection"; Fluctuation and Noise Letters 2, L221-L233 (2002). Paper
[A35] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noise-aided nonlinear Bayesian estimation"; Physical Review E 66, 032101,1-3 (2002). Paper
[A34] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, A. Monir; "Numerical evaluation of the Lambert W function and application to generation of generalized Gaussian noise with exponent 1/2"; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50, 2160-2165 (2002). Paper
[A33] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, A. Monir; "Generation of signals with long-range correlations"; Electronics Letters 37, 599-600 (2001). Paper
[A32] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, J. Rojas-Varela; "Nonlinear signal propagation enhanced by noise via stochastic resonance"; International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos 10, 1951-1959 (2000). Paper
[A31] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Nonlinear test statistic to improve signal detection in non-Gaussian noise"; IEEE Signal Processing Letters 7, 205-207 (2000). Paper
[A30] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Stochastic resonance at phase noise in signal transmission"; Physical Review E 61, 940-943 (2000). Paper
[A29] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Stochastic resonance and optimal detection of pulse trains by threshold devices"; Digital Signal Processing 9, 162-177 (1999). Paper
[A28] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noise-assisted propagation over a nonlinear line of threshold elements"; Electronics Letters 35, 1055-1056 (1999). Paper
[A27] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Periodic and aperiodic stochastic resonance with output signal-to-noise ratio exceeding that at the input"; International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos 9, 267-272 (1999). Paper
[A26] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "(max, +) dynamic systems for modeling traffic with long-range dependence"; Fractals 6, 305-311 (1998). Paper
[A25] F. Vaudelle, J. Gazengel, G. Rivoire, X. Godivier, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Stochastic resonance and noise-enhanced transmission of spatial signals in optics: The case of scattering"; Journal of the Optical Society of America B 15, 2674-2680 (1998). Paper
[A24] X. Godivier, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Stochastic resonance in the information capacity of a nonlinear dynamic system"; International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos 8, 581-589 (1998). Paper
[A23] X. Godivier, J. Rojas-Varela, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noise-assisted signal transmission via stochastic resonance in a diode nonlinearity"; Electronics Letters 33, 1666-1668 (1997). Paper
[A22] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, F. Janez, J. L. Ferrier; "A dynamic adaptive relaxation scheme applied to the Euclidean Steiner minimal tree problem"; SIAM Journal on Optimization 7, 1037-1053 (1997). Paper
[A21] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Input-output gains for signal in noise in stochastic resonance"; Physics Letters A 232, 41-48 (1997). Paper
[A20] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, F. Raguin; "Signal transcoding by nonlinear sensory neurons: Information entropy maximization, optimal transfer function, and anti-Hebbian adaptation"; IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Biology and Medicine 14, 227-239 (1997). Paper
[A19] X. Godivier, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noise-assisted signal transmission by a nonlinear electronic comparator: Experiment and Theory"; Signal Processing 56, 293-303 (1997). Paper
[A18] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noise-enhanced capacity via stochastic resonance in an asymmetric binary channel"; Physical Review E 55, 2016-2019 (1997). Paper
[A17] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, X. Godivier; "Theory of stochastic resonance in signal transmission by static nonlinear systems"; Physical Review E 55, 1478-1495 (1997). Paper
[A16] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, X. Godivier; "Stochastic resonance in nonlinear transmission of spike signals: An exact model and an application to the neuron"; International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos 6, 2069-2076 (1996). Paper
[A15] X. Godivier, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noise-enhanced transmission of spike trains in the neuron"; Europhysics Letters 35, 473-477 (1996). Paper
[A14] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Stochastic resonance in the Heaviside nonlinearity with white noise and arbitrary periodic signal"; Physical Review E 53, 5469-5472 (1996). Paper
[A13] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, X. Godivier, N. Chambet; "Stochastic resonance in a neuron model that transmits spike trains"; Physical Review E 53, 1273-1275 (1996). Paper
[A12] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, N. Chambet; "Synapse models for neural networks: From ion channel kinetics to multiplicative coefficient wij"; Neural Computation 7, 713-734 (1995). Paper
[A11] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Information processing in neural networks by means of controlled dynamic regimes"; Acta Biotheoretica 43, 155-167 (1995). Paper
[A10] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Information entropy maximization in the transmission by a neuron nonlinearity"; Comptes Rendus de L'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série II, 319, 271-276 (1994). Paper
[A9] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Sur la définition des grandeurs physiques et l'écriture des lois fondamentales de la théorie des circuits électriques"; Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens, vol. 87, n° 753, 537-550 (1993). Paper
[A8] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Analysis of neural networks with chaotic dynamics"; Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 3, 133-139 (1993). Paper
[A7] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, V. Teboul, J. Berrué, Y. Le Duff; "An experimental and numerical study of high-frequency Raman scattering in argon gas"; Physics Letters A 173, 153-159 (1993). Paper
[A6] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, G. Chauvet; "Stable, oscillatory, and chaotic regimes in the dynamics of small neural networks with delays"; Neural Networks 5, 735-743 (1992). Paper
[A5] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, G. Chauvet; "Dynamic properties of a biologically motivated neural network model"; International Journal of Neural Systems 3, 371-378 (1992). Paper
[A4] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, G. Chauvet; "A neural network model of the cerebellar cortex performing dynamic associations"; Biological Cybernetics 65, 267-279 (1991). Paper
[A3] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, J. F. Greenleaf; "A theoretical model of acoustoelectric transducer with a non uniform distribution of piezoelectric coefficient. Application to transducer optimization"; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 87, 201-207 (1990). Paper
[A2] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, J. F. Greenleaf, W. B. Harrison, M. R. B. Hanson; "An experimental study of acoustoelectric transducers with non uniform distribution of the piezoelectric coefficient"; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 86, 1223-1229 (1989). Paper
[A1] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, C. Alquié, J. Lewiner; "The pressure wave propagation method for the analysis of insulating materials: Application to LDPE used in high voltage cables"; IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation 21, 405-410 (1986). Paper
Book chapters
[B5] E. Belin, D. Rousseau, L. Benoit, D. Demilly, S. Ducournau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, C. Dürr; "Thermal imaging for evaluation of seedling growth"; Chap. 8, in S. Dutta Gupta, Y. Ibaraki, eds., Plant Image Analysis: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press 2015. Chapter
[B4] Y. Chéné, E. Belin, F.
Chapeau-Blondeau, V. Caffier, T. Boureau, D. Rousseau;
"Anatomofunctional bimodality imaging for plant phenotyping: An
insight through depth imaging coupled to thermal imaging"; Chap.
9, in S. Dutta Gupta, Y. Ibaraki, eds., Plant Image Analysis:
Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press 2015. Chapter
F. Chapeau-Blondeau, M. Guglielmi; "Modèles de signaux à
longue dépendance statistique"; in Signaux Aléatoires
: Modélisation, Estimation, Détection. Chap. 4, M.
Guglielmi, éd., Traité IC2, Hermes (Paris) 2004.
[B2] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Comparison between spike and rate models in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons"; in Biophysical Neural Networks: Foundations of Integrative Neuroscience, pp. 303-341, R. R. Poznanski, ed., Mary Ann Liebert Inc. (New York) 2001. Abstract
[B1] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Stochastic resonance and the benefit of noise in nonlinear systems"; in Noise, Oscillators and Algebraic Randomness - From Noise in Communication Systems to Number Theory, pp. 137-155, M. Planat, ed., Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 550, Springer (Berlin) 2000. Paper
[C92] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, N. Delanoue ; "Détection quantique en présence de bruit : analyse théorique et étude expérimentale sur un processeur quantique" ; Actes du 29ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Grenoble, France, 28 août – 1 sept. 2023. Paper Poster
[C91] N. Delanoue, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Optimisation globale de l’information mutuelle sur un canal quantique" ; 24ème Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision ROADEF 2023, Rennes, France, 20-23 fév. 2023. Résumé Slides
[C90] N. Delanoue, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Optimisation de la transmission d’information sur un canal quantique via le calcul par intervalles" ; Actes du 28ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Nancy, France, 6-9 sept. 2022. Paper Poster[C89] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Superposition quantique d'ordre causal pour les signaux et systèmes" ; Actes du 28ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Nancy, France, 6-9 sept. 2022. Paper Poster
[C88] N. Delanoue, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Identification sur un système quantique bruité : Théorie et démonstration expérimentale sur un processeur quantique."; Actes des 6èmes Journées Démonstrateurs en Automatique du Club EEA (Electronique Electrotechnique Automatique), 21-22 juin 2022, Angers, France. Paper Poster
[C87] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, E. Belin; "Transformée de Fourier et traitement du signal quantique" ; Actes du 27ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Lille, France, 26-29 août 2019. Paper Poster[C85] P. Rasti, D. Demilly, L. Benoit, E. Belin, S. Ducournau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Low-cost vision machine for high-throughput automated monitoring of heterotrophic seedling growth on wet paper support"; 29th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Newcastle, UK, 3-6 Sept. 2018.
[C84] N. Gillard, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Digital image processing with quantum approaches"; Proceedings 8th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, pp. 360-369; Cherbourg, France, 2-4 July 2018.
[C83] P. Rasti, E. Belin, D. Demilly, S. Ducournau, C. Dürr, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "A computer vision tool for a high-throughput phenotyping of seedlings during elongation - Application to sugar beet."; 76th International Institute of Sugar Beet Research Congress, Deauville, France, 5-7 June 2018.
[C82] N. Gillard, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Parallélisme quantique pour le traitement d’images" ; 13èmes Journées Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, Paris, France, 26-27 mars 2018. Abstract Slides[C81] N.
Gillard, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Estimation quantique en
présence de bruit améliorée par l’intrication"
; Actes du 26ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal
et des Images, Juan-les-Pins, France, 5-8 sept. 2017.
Paper Poster
[C80] N.
Gillard, E. Belin, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Divergence
informationnelle de Jensen-Shannon appliquée à la
segmentation d’images" ; Actes du 26ème
Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images,
Juan-les-Pins, France, 5-8 sept. 2017. Paper
[C79] E.
Belin, D. Gindre, D. Demilly, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Imagerie non
linéaire de second harmonique appliquée à la
caractérisation de tissus végétaux" ;
12èmes Journées Imagerie Optique Non
Conventionnelle, Paris, France, 15-16 mars 2017. Abstract
[C78] N. Gillard, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau;
"L’intrication en imagerie quantique pour résister
au bruit" ; 12èmes Journées Imagerie Optique Non
Conventionnelle, Paris, France, 15-16 mars 2017.
Abstract Poster
[C77] J. Rojas Varela, E. Belin, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Biospeckle imaging for the characterization of imbibition in plant seeds"; 5th International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods for the Plant Sciences (IAMPS), Angers, France, 5-6 Sept. 2016.
[C76] N. Gillard, E. Belin, F. Franconi, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "MRI image segmentation and analysis for the 3D spatiotemporal characterization and quantification of imbibition in seeds"; 5th International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods for the Plant Sciences (IAMPS), Angers, France, 5-6 Sept. 2016.
[C75] L. J. Gunn, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, A. Allison, D. Abbott; "An output-only nonlinear system identification technique suited to integer arithmetic"; IEEE 2016 Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century - Thinking Machines in the Physical World, Melbourne, Australia, 13-15 July 2016. Paper
[C74] E. Belin, D. Rousseau, J.
Rojas-Varela, F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Imagerie
conjointe RGBS couleur et speckle pour la caractérisation de
semences végétales" ; 11èmes Journées
Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, Paris, France, 16-17 mars 2016.
Abstract Poster
F. Chapeau-Blondeau, E. Belin ; "Ressources quantiques et
traitement numérique des images" ; 11èmes Journées
Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, Paris, France, 16-17 mars
2016. Abstract
D. Rousseau, H. J. van de Zedde, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau ;
"Cost-effective imaging in plant phenotyping from
information-based approaches"; European Plant Phenotyping
Network (EPPN) Plant Phenotyping Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 11-12
Nov. 2015.
[C71] E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau ;
"A stochastic model and tree graph-based representation for the
simulation of plant pathogen development at the leaf scale from image
analysis"; 4th International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods
for the Plant Sciences (IAMPS), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 21-22
Sept. 2015.
[C70] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Détection
quantique optimale sur un qubit bruité"; Actes du 25ème
Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Lyon,
France, 8-11 sept. 2015. Paper Slides
E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau ; "Modèle
stochastique et représentation par graphe pour le suivi
spatio-temporel de pathogènes à la surface de feuilles
par imagerie"; Actes du 25ème Colloque GRETSI sur le
Traitement du Signal et des Images, Lyon, France, 8-11 sept. 2015.
L. Gunn, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, A. Allison, D. Abbott; "Towards an
information-theoretic model of the Allison mixture"; Proceedings
7th International Conference on Unsolved Problems on Noise;
Barcelona, Spain, 13-17 July 2015. Paper
D. Rousseau, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Image denoising
techniques for computational imaging in plant sciences";
1st General COST FA1306 Meeting "The quest for tolerant
varieties - Phenotyping at plant and cellular level", IPK,
Gatersleben, Germany, 22-24 June 2015.
[C66] L.
Benoit, D. Rousseau, E. Belin, C. Dürr, R. Vadaine, D.
Demilly, S. Ducournau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "ElonCam :
instrumentation et analyse d'images pour le suivi automatisé
individualisé du développement de semences et de
plantules."; 8èmes Rencontres du Végétal,
Angers, France, 12-13 janv. 2015.
[C65] D. Rousseau, C. Caredda, Y. Morille, E.
Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Gindre; "Low-cost biospeckle
imaging applied to the monitoring of seed germination"; 3rd
International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods for the Plant
Sciences (IAMPS), Aberystwyth, UK, 16-17 Sept. 2014.
[C64] L.
Benoit, G. Semaan, F. Franconi, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D.
Demilly, D. Rousseau; "3D multimodal simulation of image
acquisition by X-Ray and MRI for validation of seedling measurements
with segmentation algorithms"; 13th European Conference on
Computer Vision, Zurich, Switzerland, 5-9 Sept. 2014.
[C63] F.
Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Noise-enhanced
transmission efficacy of aperiodic signals in nonlinear systems";
International conference on Hot Topics in Physical Informatics,
Changsha city, China, 10-13 Nov. 2013. International Journal of
Modern Physics: Conference Series Vol. 33 (2014) 1460356,1-7.
[C62] E.
Belin, D. Rousseau, G. Craipeau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, S. Ducournau,
D. Demilly, C. Dürr, F. Franconi "Gazing at the very early
stages of plant life with MRI", 30th Annual Scientific Meeting
of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine
(ESMRBM), Toulouse, France, 3-5 Oct. 2013.
[C61] Y. Chéné,
E. Belin, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Analyse fractale de
cartographies de profondeur issues de scènes naturelles";
Actes du 24ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et
des Images, Brest, France, 3-6 sept. 2013. Paper
[C60] L. Benoit, E. Belin, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau;
"Une analyse informationnelle du codage trichromatique des
spectres lumineux"; Actes du 24ème Colloque GRETSI sur le
Traitement du Signal et des Images, Brest, France, 3-6 sept. 2013.
[C59] D.
Rousseau, Y. Chéné, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau;
"Scale analysis of plants", 2nd International Workshop on
Image Analysis Methods for the Plant Sciences, Nottingham, England,
2-3 Sept. 2013. Abstract
[C58] Y. Chéné, E. Belin, P. Lucidarme, F.
Chapeau-Blondeau, T. Boureau, D. Rousseau; "Des systèmes
d’imagerie pour l’analyse anatomique et physiologique des
plantes"; Actes des 4èmes Journées Démonstrateurs en Automatique, GdR CNRS MACS & Club EEA, 12-13 juin
2013, Angers, France. Résumé
L. Benoit, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, D. Demilly, S.
Ducournau, C. Dürr; "Système de vision et d'analyse
d'images pour le suivi automatisé du développement de
semences et de plantules."; Actes des 4èmes Journées
Démonstrateurs en Automatique, GdR CNRS MACS & Club EEA,
12-13 juin 2013, Angers, France. Résumé
C. Jeanguillaume, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Cramér-Rao bounds
and condition number in SPECT : comparison between conventional thin
holes collimator and emission tomography project with large and long
holes collimators."; Annual Meeting of the Society of
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 8-12 June 2013, Vancouver,
Canada. Draft
P. Richard, M. Naud, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Computer-assisted
patterns generation and 3D interaction techniques for digital
fashion"; 1st International Conference on Digital Fashion, 16-17
May 2013, London, UK. Paper
[C54] L. Benoit, D. Rousseau, E. Belin, D. Demilly, S. Ducournau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, C. Dürr; "Locally oriented anisotropic image diffusion: application to phenotyping of seedlings"; Special session GEODIFF, 8th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2013), Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 Feb. 2013. Paper
[C53] Y. Chéné, E. Belin, F. Coadou, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, L. Hardouin, D. Rousseau; "Instrumentation et capteurs innovants appliqués au phénotypage automatisé des végétaux", Actes du 6è Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation, 29-30 Janv. 2013, Lyon, France. Paper
[C52] C. Frindel, D. Rousseau, D. Ressnikoff, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, Y. Tourneur; "Scale analysis of multicomponent biomedical images with ImageJ software"; 4th ImageJ User and Developer Conference 2012, Montdorf, Luxemburg, 24-26 Oct. 2012.
[C51] E. Belin, D. Rousseau, D. Demilly, K. Boudheri, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, C. Dürr; "Relative-entropy based distance for automated detection of embryo in X-ray images of dry seed of sugarbeet with ImageJ software"; 4th ImageJ User and Developer Conference 2012, Montdorf, Luxemburg, 24-26 Oct. 2012.
[C50] A. Delahaies, D. Rousseau, J. B. Fasquel, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Influence de la structure spatiale des images lors de la quantification de la résonance stochastique dans la perception visuelle"; Actes du 23ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, 5-8 sept. 2011, Bordeaux, France. Paper
[C49] J. Chauveau, D. Rousseau, P. Richard, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Outils de caractérisation et de génération de propriétés fractales pour l’analyse d’images couleur naturelles et la création d’images de synthèse ; Applications en réalité virtuelle pour la confection d’imprimés textiles."; Actes des 3èmes Journées Démonstrateurs du Club EEA (Electronique Electrotechnique Automatique), 30 nov.-1 déc. 2010, Angers, France. Paper
[C48] J. Chauveau, D. Rousseau, P. Richard, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Fractal analysis tools for characterizing the colorimetric organization of digital images: Case study using natural and synthetic images"; vol. 2, pp. 245-248, Proceedings VISAPP International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 17-21 May 2010, Angers, France. Paper
[C47] A. Delahaies, D. Rousseau, L. Perez, L. Autrique, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Impact of a lossy image compression on parameter estimation with periodic active thermal imaging"; pp. 17-22, Proceedings IMAGAPP International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications, 17-21 May 2010, Angers, France. Paper
[C46] T. Boureau, F. Amiard, M.-A. Jacques, E. Belin, S. Poussier, S. Hanteville, V. Grimault, S. Perrot, C. Dürr, J.-M. Breteau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Utilisation de la thermographie pour localiser des microorganismes phytopathogènes dans des tissus végétaux de manière non-destructive"; 9èmes Rencontres Plantes-Bactéries, 18-22 janv. 2010, Aussois, France.
[C45] A. Humeau, B. Buard, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, P. Abraham; "Multifractal analysis of laser Doppler flowmetry signals: partition function and generalized dimensions of data recorded before and after local heating"; 105th International Centre of Biocybernetics Seminar on Light and Optics in Medical Diagnosis, 18-21 Oct. 2009, Warsaw, Poland;
[C44] A. Delahaies, D. Rousseau, J. M. Breteau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Un critère informationnel en imagerie pour l'échelle optimale d'observation d'une scène bruitée"; pp. 637-644, Actes du 5è Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation, 26-27 Janv. 2010, Le Mans, France. Paper
[C43] A. Delahaies, D. Rousseau, D. Gindre, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Constructive role of sensors nonlinearities in the acquisition of partially polarized speckle images"; Proceedings 8th Euro-American Workshop on Information Optics, Paris, France, 20-24 July 2009; Journal of Physics: Conference Series 206 (2010) 012020. Paper Long draft
[C42] B. Buard, G. Mahé, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, P. Abraham, A. Humeau; "Laser Doppler flowmetry: multifractal spectra of signals recorded in hand of young healthy subjects before and after local heating"; 11th World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Munich, Germany 7-12 Sept. 2009; IFMBE Proceedings, O. Dössel and W.C. Schlegel (Eds.), vol. 25\IV, p. 1944-1947. Paper
[C41] B. Buard, W. Trzepizur, G. Mahé, F.
Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, F. Gagnadoux, P. Abraham, A. Humeau;
"Multifractal spectra of laser Doppler flowmetry signals in
healthy and sleep apnea syndrome subjects"; European Conferences
on Biomedical Optics, Munich, Germany, 14–18 June
2009 ; IFMBE Proceedings,
vol. 25\IV p. 1944-1947, O. Dössel, W.C. Schlegel (Eds.).
A. Humeau, G. Mahé, B. Buard, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D.
Rousseau, P. Abraham; "Spectres multifractals de signaux laser
Doppler acquis au cours d'un chauffage cutané local"; p.
78, Actes du 7ème Colloque "Diagnostic et Imagerie
Optiques en Médecine" OPT-DIAG 2009, Paris, France, 13-15
mai 2009. Draft
[C39] B. Buard, G. Mahé, F. Chapeau-Blondeau,
D. Rousseau, P. Abraham, A. Humeau; "Etude des variations
spatiales des spectres multifractals de signaux laser Doopler";
p. 24, Actes du 7ème Colloque "Diagnostic et Imagerie
Optiques en Médecine" OPT-DIAG 2009, Paris, France, 13-15
mai 2009. Draft
B. Buard, A. Humeau, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, P. Abraham;
"Laser Doppler flowmetry signals: pointwise Hölder
exponents of experimental signals from young healthy subjects and
numerically simulated data"; 4th European Congress of the
International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering,
Antwerp, Belgium, 23-27 Nov. 2008; ECIFMBE 2008, IFMBE Proceedings,
vol. 22, pp. 221-225, J. Vander Sloten, P. Verdonck, M. Nyssen, J.
Haueisen (Eds.). Paper
[C37] A. Humeau, L. Fizanne, J. Roux, P. Asfar, P. Calès, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Linear and nonlinear analyses of laser Doppler flowmetry signals recorded during isoflurane-induced anaesthesia in healthy rats"; Proceedings 25th Conference of the European Society for Microcirculation, Budapest, Hungary, 26-29 Aug. 2008; published as Journal of Vascular Research, vol. 45 (suppl. 2), p. 82 (2008). Paper
[C37x] B. Buard, A. Humeau, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Pointwise Hölder exponents of a model for skin laser Doppler flowmetry signals based on six nonlinear coupled oscillators with linear and parametric couplings. Comparison with experimental data from young healthy subjects"; pp. xx-xx, Proceedings 16th European Signal Processing Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 25-29 Aug. 2008 (submitted 19 Feb 2008, reject 9 May 2008). Draft
[C36] D. Rousseau, G. V. Anand, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Overview of useful-noise effects in static nonlinear systems"; International Conference "Stochastic Resonance 2008", 17-21 Aug. 2008, Perugia, Italy. Paper
[C35] J. Chauveau, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Pair correlation integral for fractal characterization of three-dimensional histograms from color images"; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 5099, Springer (Berlin) 2008; pp. 200–208; Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, Cherbourg, France, 1-3 July 2008. Paper
[C34] A. Humeau, B. Haussy, L. Fizanne, J. Roux, P. Asfar, P. Calès, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Laser Doppler flowmetry in healthy rats: impact of isoflurane anesthetic on signal complexity"; pp. 1330-1334, Proceedings 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Ajaccio, France, 25-27 June 2008. Paper
[C33] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau; "Raising the noise to improve the performance of optimal processing"; Proceedings 5th International Conference on Unsolved Problems on Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology and High Technology; Lyon, France, 2-6 June 2008. Draft
[C32] S. Blanchard, D. Rousseau, D. Gindre, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Utilisation de non-linéarités des capteurs pour optimiser l’acquisition d’images en imagerie cohérente"; pp. xx, Conference nationale avec actes "3èmes Journées d'Imagerie Optique Non-Conventionnelle", 19-20 mars 2008, Paris, France. Draft
[C31] M. Naud, P. Richard, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, J.-L. Ferrier; "Automatic generation of aesthetic images for computer-assisted virtual fashion design"; Proceedings 10th Generative Art Conference, Milan, Italy, 12-14 Dec. 2007. Draft
[C30] S. Blanchard, D. Rousseau, D. Gindre, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Transmission d'image assistée par le bruit en imagerie cohérente et incohérente"; pp. 813-816, Actes du 21ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Troyes, France, 11-14 sept. 2007. Paper
[C29] A. Humeau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, P. Abraham; "Numerical simulation of laser Doppler flowmetry signals based on a model of nonlinear coupled oscillators. Comparison with real data in the frequency domain."; pp. 4068-4071, Proceedings 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France, 23-26 Aug. 2007. Paper
[C28] A. Humeau, P. Abraham, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Utilisation de l'effet Doppler laser pour l'analyse de la microcirculation sanguine.Traitement des signaux associés et modélisation non linéaire pour l'aide au diagnostic médical"; p. 159-160, Actes du Colloque SFO "Horizons de l'Optique", Grenoble, France, 2-5 juillet 2007. Paper
[C27] A. Humeau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau, P. Abraham; "Simulations numériques de signaux laser Doppler. Etude de l'influence des activités myogénique, neurogénique et endothéliale"; p. 25, Actes du 6ème Colloque "Diagnostic et Imagerie Optiques en Médecine" OPT-DIAG 2007, Paris, France, 15-16 mai 2007. Paper
[C26] S. Ouattara, A. Clément, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Fast computation of entropies and mutual information for multispectral images"; pp. 195-199, vol. 1, Proceedings 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Angers, France, 9-12 May 2007. Paper
[C25] S. Blanchard, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Using noise to improve measurement and information processing"; pp. 268-271, vol. 3, Proceedings 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Angers, France, 9-12 May 2007. Paper
[C24] M. Naud, P. Richard, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, J.-L. Ferrier; "Fractal images with iterated function systems: Reaching aesthetic through parameters exploration"; 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Angers, France, 9-12 May 2007.Paper
[C23] S. Blanchard, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noise-assisted image transmission with speckle noise"; Proceedings 5th International Conference on Physics in Signal and Image Processing, Mulhouse, France, 31 Jan. - 2 Feb. 2007. Paper
[C22] D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Amélioration par le bruit de la dynamique de capteurs à saturation"; pp. 595-598, Actes du 20ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 6-9 sept. 2005. Paper
[C21] C. Morel, M. Bourcerie, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Construction of an A-switching map to control nonlinear dynamics of electronic converters"; Proceedings 17th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Paris, France, 11-15 July 2005. Paper
[C20] D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noise improvement and stochastic resonance in parallel arrays of sensors with saturation"; pp. 49-54, Proceedings 4th International Conference on Physics in Signal and Image Processing, Toulouse, France, 31 Jan. - 2 Feb. 2005. Paper
[C19] D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Various forms of improvement by noise in nonlinear systems"; pp. 192-197, Proceedings International Conference on Complex Systems, Intelligence and Modern Technology Applications, Cherbourg, France, 19-22 Sept. 2004. Paper
[C18] C. Morel, M. Bourcerie, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Extension of chaos anticontrol applied to the improvement of switch-mode power supply electromagnetic compatibility"; pp. 447-452, Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Ajaccio, France, 4-7 May 2004. Paper
[C17] D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Résonance stochastique et performance améliorée par le bruit pour un estimateur optimal"; vol. III, pp. 50-53, Actes du 19ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Paris, France, 8-11 sept. 2003. Paper
[C16] C. Portefaix, C. Cavaro-Ménard, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Modelling of fractal images with iterated function systems: moment matching, continuity of attractors"; pp. 113-116, Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Physics in Signal and Image Processing, Grenoble, France, 29-31 Jan. 2003. Paper
[C15] D. Rousseau, G. V. Anand, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Nonlinear estimation from quantized signals: quantizer optimization and stochastic resonance"; pp. 89-92, Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Physics in Signal and Image Processing, Grenoble, France, 29-31 Jan. 2003. Paper
[C14] C. Portefaix, C. Cavaro-Ménard, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Identification and modeling of fractal signals with iterated function systems"; vol. 1, pp. 185-188, Proceedings 11th European Signal Processing Conference, Toulouse, France, 3-6 Sept. 2002. Paper
[C13] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, J. Rojas Varela; "Noise-assisted signal transmission in nonlinear systems with saturation"; vol. 1, pp. 313-316, Proceedings 11th European Signal Processing Conference, Toulouse, France, 3-6 Sept. 2002. Paper
[C12] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Résonance stochastique dans un détecteur bayésien optimal"; pp. 439-442, Actes du 18ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Toulouse, France, 10-13 sept. 2001. Paper
[C11] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, A. Monir; "Systèmes dynamiques (max, +) pour la modélisation et la synthèse de trafic à longue dépendance statistique"; pp. 61-67, Actes des Journées Automatique et Télécommunications du Club EEA (Electronique, Electrotechnique, Automatique), Bordeaux, France, 12-14 mars 2001. Paper
[C10] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, A. Monir; "A model of random signal with long-range correlations"; pp. 381-384, Proceedings 2nd International Symposium on Physics in Signal and Image Processing, Marseille, France, 23-24 Jan. 2001. Paper
[C9] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, J. Rojas-Varela; "Estimation and Fisher information enhancement via noise addition with nonlinear sensors"; pp. 47-50, Proceedings 2nd International Symposium on Physics in Signal and Image Processing, Marseille, France, 23-24 Jan. 2001. Paper
[C8] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, J. Rojas-Varela; "Information-theoretic measures improved by noise in nonlinear systems"; pp. 79-82, Proceedings 14th International Conference of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Perpignan, France, 19-23 June 2000. Paper
[C7] X. Godivier, F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "La résonance stochastique ou le signal favorisé par le bruit : Application aux signaux à événements discrets" ; pp. 965-968, Actes du 17ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Vannes, France, 13-17 sept. 1999. Paper
[C6] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, E. Gazengel ; "Dynamique (max, +) pour la génération en ligne de bruit en 1/fa "; pp. 7-10, Actes du 17ème colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Vannes, France, 13-17 sept. 1999. Paper
[C5] F. Chapeau-Blondeau (invité) ; "La résonance stochastique pour mettre à profit le bruit dans les systèmes non linéaires" (cours de 1h30) ; Ecole thématique du CNRS "Bruit des fréquences des oscillateurs et dynamique des nombres algébriques", Chapelle des Bois, France, 6-10 avril 1999.
[C4] F. Chapeau-Blondeau (invité) ; "La résonance stochastique" (cours de 3h) ; Ecole des Techniques Avancées en Signal-Image-Parole de Grenoble, Session 3 bis : Signal et Non-Linéaire, Grenoble, France, 31 août-4 sept. 1998. Paper
[C3] F. Chapeau-Blondeau, X. Godivier ; "La résonance stochastique, ou la transmission non linéaire du signal favorisée par le bruit" ; Rencontres du Non Linéaire, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, 12-13 janvier 1998.
[C2] X. Godivier, F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "La résonance stochastique, ou la transmission non linéaire du signal favorisée par le bruit" ; Colloque de Recherche Doctorale Automatique, Génie informatique, Image, Signal ; Angers, France, 9-11 décembre 1997.
[C1] X. Godivier, F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "La résonance stochastique chez le neurone, ou le signal utile favorisé par le bruit" ; Actes des 8èmes Journées Neurosciences et Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Marly-le-Roi, France, 6-9 mai 1996..
Seminars, miscell.
[D40] F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Information quantique et calcul quantique – une introduction.", Cours (15h) de formation doctorale 2024-2025, École Doctorale MaSTIC, Angers, 20 et 27 mai 2025. Annonce
[D39] F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Information quantique et calcul quantique – une introduction pour le traitement du signal.", Cours au Groupe de travail |QuantInG>, GdR CNRS IASIS (Information Apprentissage Signal Image viSion), Paris, 6 juin, 17 sept., 10 oct. 2024. Slides
[D38] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Indefinite causal order for quantum phase estimation with Pauli noise"; Online archive https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.02832 [quant-ph] 5 Dec 2023.
[D37] F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Information quantique et calcul quantique – une introduction.", Cours (15h) de formation doctorale 2022-2023, École Doctorale MaSTIC, Angers, 24 et 31 mai 2023. Programme Slides
[D36] F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Intrication quantique, corrélations quantiques, et traitement de l'information." ; Séminaire du groupe ImHorPhen, Angers, 5 mai 2023. Slides
[D35] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Modeling and simulation of a quantum thermal noise on the qubit"; Online archive https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.03582 [quant-ph] 7 Dec 2022.
[D34] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Indefinite causal order for quantum metrology with quantum thermal noise", Online archive
https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.01684 [quant-ph] 3 Nov 2022.
[D33] F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Traitement du signal quantique : application à l'interférométrie photonique" ; Colloque des Physiciens d’Angers et Le Mans "NanoPhysique, Optique, Photonique et Imagerie", Angers, 16 nov. 2021. Abstract Slides
[D32] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Quantum parameter estimation on coherently superposed noisy channels", Online archive
https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06715 [quant-ph] 13 Oct 2021.
[D31] P. Engelstein, N. Delanoue, F.
Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Conception de détecteurs quantiques optimaux via le calcul par intervalles"
; Journée "Traitement du signal et applications quantiques",
GdR CNRS ISIS (Information Signal Image viSion), 22 juin 2021 (journée reportée).
[D30] F.
Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Estimation quantique des paramètres d'un bruit thermique"
; Journée "Traitement du signal et applications quantiques",
GdR CNRS ISIS (Information Signal Image viSion), 22 juin 2021 (journée reportée).
[D28] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Noisy quantum metrology with the assistance of indefinite causal order", Online archive http://arxiv.org/, arXiv:2104.06284 [quant-ph] 13 Apr 2021.
[D27] F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Quantum machine learning" ; Séminaire "Deep learning", Équipe ISISV, laboratoire LARIS, Université d'Angers, 17 mars 2021. Slide
[D26] F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Information quantique et calcul quantique – une introduction.", Cours (15h) de formation doctorale 2019-2020, École Doctorale MathSTIC, Angers, 19 et 26 mai 2020. Programme
[D25] F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Information quantique et calcul quantique – une introduction.", Cours (15h) de formation doctorale 2018-2019, École Doctorale Interrégionale MathSTIC de l’Université Bretagne Loire, Angers, 15 et 22 mai 2019. Programme Slides
[D24] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Optimized entanglement for quantum parameter estimation from noisy qubits", Online archive http://arxiv.org/, arXiv:1904.01904 [quant-ph] 4 Apr 2019.
[D23] F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Information quantique : depuis des basiques jusqu'à des problèmes ouverts, avec de l'algèbre et des probabilités.", Séminaire de la SFR MathSTIC, Université d'Angers, 6 juillet 2018. Slides
[D22] F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Information quantique et calcul quantique – une introduction.", Cours (15h) de formation doctorale 2017-2018, École Doctorale Interrégionale MathSTIC de l’Université Bretagne Loire, Angers, 16 et 23 mai 2018. Programme Slides
[D21] F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "La physique quantique pour le traitement de l'information et du signal" ; Présentation (1h30) à la Journée académique d'actualisation des connaissances scientifiques des enseignants du 2nd degré en sciences physiques, sur le thème "Des signaux pour observer et communiquer" ; Angers, France, 27 juin 2017. Programme Diaporama
[D20] N. Gillard, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Entropie de von Neumann et information de Holevo pour le signal quantique en présence de bruit." ; Journée "Entropies, divergences et mesures informationnelles classiques et généralisées", GdR ISIS (Information Signal Image viSion), Paris, France, 24 mai 2017. Abstract
[D19] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Information quantique et calcul quantique - une introduction"; Cours de formation doctorale (15 heures), Ecole Doctorale STIM (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et Mathématiques), ISTIA, Université d'Angers, France, 22 et 29 mars 2017. Slides
[D18] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Information quantique et calcul quantique - une introduction"; Cours de formation doctorale (12 heures), Ecole Doctorale STIM (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et Mathématiques), Polytech Nantes, France, 23 et 30 mars 2016. Slides
[D17] L. J. Gunn, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, M. D. McDonnell, B. R. Davis, A. Allison, D. Abbott; "Too good to be true: when overwhelming evidence fails to convince"; Online archive http://arxiv.org/, arXiv:1601.00900 [stat.AP] 5 Jan 2016.
[D16] E. Belin, D. Rousseau, J. Rojas-Varela, F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Innovative signal processing and imagings for the characterization of fruit structure"; Workshop Fruit Structure 2015, Agrocampus Ouest, Angers, France, 30 Nov. - 1 Dec. 2015.
[D15] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Information quantique et calcul quantique - une introduction"; Cours de formation doctorale (6 heures), Ecole Doctorale STIM (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et Mathématiques), Université d'Angers, France, 1 et 3 juin 2015. Slides
[D14] L. Benoit, É. Belin, D. Rousseau, C. Dürr, D. Demilly, S. Ducournau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Instrumentation and digital image processing for multimodality imagery applied to seeds and seedlings." ; ISTA Hands-on Seminar on Seed Image Analysis, Angers, France, 14-17 Oct. 2014.
[D13] L. Benoit, É. Belin, D. Rousseau, D. Demilly, C. Dürr, S. Ducournau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau ; "Suivi automatisé de l’allongement des plantules et intérêt des différentes modalités d’imagerie." ; 11èmes Journées d'Information des Laboratoires d'Analyse de la Qualité des Semences ; SNES-GEVES, Angers, France, 25-26 sept. 2014.
[D12] F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Information quantique, calcul quantique : des rudiments à la recherche"; Séminaire du Laboratoire LARIS, Université d'Angers, France, 8 juillet 2014. Slides
[D11] D. Rousseau, E. Belin, L. Benoit, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Demilly, S. Ducournau, C. Dürr, P. Rogowski, T. Widiez, G. Gendrot, N. Nakayama, A. Boudaoud; "Imaging the early development of seeds"; 8th Winter Conference of the European Society for Molecular Imaging, Les Houches, France, 19-24 Jan. 2014.
[D10] E. Champigny, E. Belin, K. Iliopoulos, Y. Morille, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Gindre, "Stockage d’images par modulation de la réponse optique non linéaire à travers des processus photochimiques induits à deux photons : estimation du contenu informationnel.", 8èmes Journées d'Imagerie Optique Non-Conventionnelle, GdR ISIS et GdR Ondes, Paris, France, 19-20 mars 2013.
[D9] D. Rousseau, Y. Chéné, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau; "Plant phenotyping using depth cameras" (invited); Developers’ Workshop of the European Plant Phenotyping Network : Novel Sensor Technologies for Plant Phenotyping; Wageningen, The Netherlands, 13-14 Sept. 2012.
[D8] Y. Chéné, D. Rousseau, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, "Un imageur de profondeur bas-coût : la Kinect de Microsoft : Du jeu vidéo à la mesure physique : application aux plantes.", 7ème Ecole d'été de Peyresq en traitement du signal et des images : La chaine numérique 3D : de l’acquisition à la compression des données. Peyresq, France, 24-30 juin 2012.
[D7] E. Belin, M.-A. Jacques, D. Rousseau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, "Plateforme de phénotypage PHENOTIC : les sciences et technologies de l’information appliquées au phénotypage du végétal", Journée "Analyses et Végétal" du Pôle de Compétitivité Végépolys, Angers. France, 5 juin 2012.
[D6] Y. Chéné, D. Rousseau, E. Belin, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, "Imagerie multicomposante RVB-IR-profondeur appliquée aux plantes", 7èmes Journées d'Imagerie Optique Non-Conventionnelle, GdR ISIS et GdR Ondes, Paris, France, 20-21 mars 2012.
[D5] E. Belin, Y. Chéné, V. Caffier, T. Boureau, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Rousseau ; "L'imagerie de profondeur pour le monitoring de pathogènes sur le feuillage de plantes entières". Journée Proxi détection du réseau INRA, Montpellier, France, 13 mars 2012.
[D4] F. Duan, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Fisher information as a performance metric for locally optimum processing", Online archive http://arxiv.org/, arXiv:1111.5679v1 [physics.data-an] 24 Nov 2011.
[D3] J. Chauveau, M. Naud, D. Rousseau, P. Richard, F. Chapeau-Blondeau, C. Roques ; "Imagerie numérique, prototypage virtuel et impression numérique pour le domaine du textile habillement", Réunion partenariat LISA - Choletais autour de l'imagerie et du numérique pour le textile-habillement, Cholet, France, 24 mars 2011.
[D2] M. Naud, P. Richard,
F. Chapeau-Blondeau, J.-L. Ferrier ; "Modèles
mathématiques et outils numériques pour la génération
automatique de motifs graphiques : application au domaine du
textile-habillement", Journées
Doctorales / Journées Nationales MACS (JD-JN-MACS 2009),
Angers, France, 17-21 mars 2009.
[D1] F. Duan, F.
Chapeau-Blondeau, D. Abbott; "Noise improvement of SNR gain in
parallel array of bistable dynamic systems by array stochastic
resonance"; Online archive http://arxiv.org/,
v1 7 Sep 2006.